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CPA (cost per acquisition): What is it? What is it used for?

CPA (cost per acquisition): What is it? What is it used for?

While cost-per-click and cost-per-thousand impressions are very often used by digital marketing professionals, it is also possible to invoice on a CPA basis. What exactly is this? How is it calculated? What are the advantages and disadvantages? How can you optimise the cost per action? All the answers are in this article. Definition of the […]

CTR (click-through rate): What is it? What is it used for?

CTR, or Click-Through Rate, is a digital marketing metric used to measure the effectiveness of an online advertising campaign or link by calculating

One of the key indicators for web marketing professionals is the CTR (or click through rate). So what is it? How do you calculate it? And above all, how can it be optimised? We’ll answer all your questions. What is CTR? CTR is an anagram of the term “Click through rate”. CTR is a performance […]

GraphQL APIs: Operation, Advantages, and Examples

In the dynamic environment of information technologies, managing data effectively is essential. APIs are fundamental in this task, allowing interaction between different applications and services. However, GraphQL has introduced an innovative approach to the world of APIs. This article delves into GraphQL APIs, their operation, principles, and advantages for contemporary application development. What is a […]

Metadata: What is it? What is it used for?

Data management becomes fundamental as datasets multiply. Among the solutions for efficient handling of large volumes of data, metadata stands out. But what exactly is it? What is it used for? What types are there? And how is it properly utilized? DataScientest answers your questions. What is metadata? Definition Metadata describes essential characteristics of a […]