🚀 Think you’ve got what it takes for a career in Data? Find out in just one minute!

career path

Data Analyst Course

Bootcamp (11 weeks)
Part-time (7,5 months)
Get a recognized diploma, support until you are hired and a flexible job that is in high demand.
March 04, 2025
April 01, 2025
May 06, 2025
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Certificate delivered by University La Sorbonne

Training content​


Introduction to Python (45h)

  • Python fundamentals
  • NumPy
  • Pandas

Data Visualization (35h)

  • Matplotlib
  • Seaborn
  • Art of Storytelling

Machine Learning (35h)

  • Scikit-Learn
  • Supervised learning
  • Unsupervised learning

Analysis of data (25h)

  • Dimension reduction
  • Clustering

Data mining and management (25h)

  • Text Mining
  • Webscraping

Business Intelligence (30h)

  • Power BI
  • Tableau

Big Data/Database (25h)

  • PySpark
  • SQL

Throughout your Data Analyst training, you will carry out an 80-hour project.
The objective: apply what you’ve learned to a real project (which you can choose!) and benefit from a first concrete experience to add to your portfolio.

You will have the opportunity to prepare for the Microsoft PL-900 certification and become Microsoft Certified Power Platform Fundamentals.

A hybrid learning format

Combining flexible learning on a platform and Masterclasses led by a Data Scientist, this mix has attracted more than 6000 alumni, and gives our training courses a completion rate of +98%!

Our teaching method is based on learning by doing:

  • Practical application: All our training modules include online exercises so that you can implement the concepts developed in the course.
  • Masterclass: For each sprint, 1 to 2 Masterclasses are organized live with a tutor to address current technologies, methods, and tools in the field of machine learning and data science.

A Data Analyst's missions

A Data Analyst processes data to extract information to address specific issues. He/she uses business intelligence tools to analyze data and create dashboards to help the organization make decisions.


Clean and identify data needed for analysis.


Use and interpret data to address specific issues.


Identify new trends and opportunities.


Build Dashboards to provide a relevant view of business results.

Discover Learn, our learning platform

A user-friendly, comprehensive interface for a tailor-made learning experience. An enhanced platform and premium coaching.

Key figures of the training

95,6 %

Success rate

94,4 %

Completion rate

96,9 %

Satisfaction rate

86 %

Insertion rate

Our goal is to make our courses affordable and open to everyone - regardless of one's current situation. This means we do our best to offer as many financing options as possible.

If you live in France, you can benefit from several financing options:

  • CPF: If you have already worked in France, you may have accumulated a budget allocated for training, which allows you to finance your training via your CPF account
  • Personal financing: It is possible to spread out your payment in several instalments in order to finance your training.
  • Company financing: If you are an employee, you can have your training financed by your company.
  • Pôle Emploi: If you are a job seeker and registered with Pôle Emploi, it is possible to benefit from total or partial financing via Pôle Emploi.
  • Transitions Pro: Do you want to retrain while keeping your job? You can use the system via Transitions Pro.
  • Region: If you are registered with Pôle Emploi, you can also benefit from funding from your region! Several schemes exist that allow you to finance your training.

Don’t hesitate to make an appointment with one of our advisors to find the funding that best suits you!

If you are living in Germany you have multiple ways to finance your training courses depending on your professional situation.


  • Funding from your employer: You can check with your employer to see if there is a possibility of having your training paid for (totally or partially paying for your training).
  • Payment by installments: If you are unable to pay the entire amount at once, you may be interested in our installment plan (pay the costs over a period of up to 12 months).

Your company may also be able to benefit from the Qualifizierungschancengesetz and get funding from the state.

Unemployed, job seekers, self-employed or students:

  • Bildungsgutschein: If you are looking for work, threatened by unemployment, self-employed or even a student, you have a good chance of receiving an education voucher (Bildungsgutschein). Contact your advisor at the employment agency or the job center and check whether there is a possibility of funding your training course.
  • Self-financing: If you have no chance of receiving the education voucher, you can pay the remaining amount by bank transfer, direct debit or credit car.
  • Payment by installments: If you are unable to pay the entire amount at once, you may be interested in our installment plan (pay the costs over a period of up to 12 months).

Get more information about the process and the next steps by downloading our Bildungsgutschein guide.

The DataScientest team will help you find the best funding for your personal circumstances.

Different types of financing can be applied depending on your current situation:

  • Fundae: Thanks to our close links with companies and our high employment rate, you can subsidise our courses with Fundae.
  • Pledg: Finance our courses in up to 12 months.
  • Quotanda: Finance the course with Quotanda interest-free (+12 months).
  • Student Finance: You pay nothing until you find a job.

For further information, please check this page and book an appointment with our team.

Would you like to discover the job of a Data Analyst ?

Data science jobs are constantly evolving. It is essential to define each of them in order to better understand companies’ current expectations and thus align training and hiring opportunities.

Among them is the Data Analyst, a profession in full expansion. Find all the information you need by downloading this complete job description: expected skills, tools & technologies, career prospects and salary.

What our alumni say about our DataScientest training courses!

Patricia Jan, Data Scientist and alumni of DataScientest, tells you today in a video about her experience of further training and how data plays a role in her everyday life!

🎉 Would you also like to get started with one of our courses? New courses start every month and good news: We’ve just launched the DevOps course to extend our Data Science trainings!

Do you have any questions? We have the answers!

Accordion Content

New technologies have evolved in such a way that we now have an astronomical amount of data. One of the first sources? Businesses. From then on, their challenge became to succeed in understanding and sorting this data. To do this, new professions have emerged. Among them, the profession of Data Analyst is one of the first to have emerged from the Data sphere, for the greater good of companies.

To better identify the most important skills for a Data Analyst in 2020, we interviewed 25 Data managers from CAC 40 groups (Crédit Agricole, BNP Paribas, AXA, etc.)

Among the most sought-after data analyst skills, they prioritized in order:
Knowledge of the company and its business
Office automation
Soft-skills: marketing, English and legal notions
Obviously, the objective of the Data Analyst is to master each of these fields of competences as well as possible: the must is of course a training specific to this profession which will know how to professionalize you and emphasize each of these aspects.

Discover our file   if you want to discover the profession of Data Analyst in its entirety: missions, required skills, salaries. Click here ! 

The missions of the Data Analyst are plural and call upon varied skills:

Data collection, processing and analysis
Design of data visualizations/dataviz and dissemination of reports for decision-making
Detection of models and opportunities from collected
Data acquisition in collaboration with other Data businesses (data architect , data steward, etc.
Depending on the type and size of the structure in which the Data Analyst works, his functions and tasks can obviously change or lean more towards a form of action.

The Data Analyst’s key questions are based on the four different types of analytics:

“Descriptive analytics”: What happened?
“Diagnostic analytics”: Why did this happen?
“Predictive analytics”: What is likely to happen?
“Prescriptive analytics”: What actions should be taken?
Would you like to know more about the missions of the Data Analyst? Click here ! 

Accordion Content

Once you have registered on the website, a member of our team will contact you to discuss your background and your professional project. This is to ensure that the training you want to follow is consistent with your expectations.

Prior to entering the course, you will have to take a technical placement test. This test covers basic data analysis and statistics.

Then, a member of our admissions team will contact you to communicate the results and discuss your motivations and the relevance of your project. Up to this point, there is no commitment with DataScientest, and you can decide at any time not to proceed.

The registration phase only begins once the project has been confirmed. From that moment on, our teams will organize your Data Analyst bootcamp or continuous training and provide you with information on all its practical aspects.

Access time : Until the day before the start date, subject to availability.

Once registered on the site, a member of our teams will contact you to discuss your background and your professional project. This is to ensure that the training you want to follow is consistent with your expectations.

Before starting training, you will have to pass a technical positioning test. It covers mathematical notions of probability/statistics and basic algebra (level L1/L2 mathematics).

Then, a member of our admissions team contacts you to communicate the results and discuss your motivations and the relevance of your project. So far, there is no commitment with DataScientest and you can therefore decide at any time not to continue your steps.

The registration phase only begins once the project has been confirmed. From that moment, our teams take care of starting your Data Analyst bootcamp or your continuing education and organizing it with you in all its practical aspects, whether it is continuing professional training or in bootcamp format.

To combine flexibility and motivation, DataScientest’s pedagogy is based on hybrid professional training. This makes it possible to combine flexibility and rigor without compromising on one or the other. A 100% distance training combining synchronous (masterclass) and asynchronous times (courses and exercises on the ready-to-code platform) so that motivation is always there. This translates into 85% learning on the coached platform and 15% masterclass session by videoconference.

The courses are given by videoconference but the follow-up remains the same with teachers available and attentive to your progress throughout your training.

Our Data Analyst training is designed to enable you to develop the following skills:

  • Read and understand Python code
  • Manipulate and manage tables of data (key skill in Machine Learning)
  • Putting Data Visualization at the service of data analysis
  • Produce simple statistical graphs at the crossroads of Data Visualization and Data Analysis
  • Implement a classic Machine Learning algorithm and use it on text data
  • Evaluate a model using cross-validation and different metrics
  • Identify unsupervised machine learning issues
  • Process massive datasets and apply machine learning models to large databases
  • Master advanced tools in Data Analysis to guide business strategy

Today, more and more companies are looking for a simple and effective way to create their own solution in order to better manage their company, meet the challenges they face and boost their productivity. Through various services such as Power BI, Power Apps, Power Automate and Power Virtual Agents, Microsoft offers you the possibility of generating simple dashboards, creating applications without going through programming, automating different processes and create AI-powered chatbots.

With the Data Analyst course, DataScientest offers you training for the passage of this certification to allow you to learn how to discover the different services of Microsoft Power Platform. At the end of this training, you will have the choice to take the official Microsoft certification and become Microsoft Certified Power Platform Fundamentals.

Accordion Content

In order to integrate the training, it is necessary to have obtained a diploma or a level 6 title (equivalent to a bachelors degree).

These prerequisites exist because although the training is focused on data science, and not mathematics, they are necessary for a good understanding of the concepts covered.
Learners are also required to have a computer with an internet connection and a webcam in order to follow the training in an optimal way.

To receive the complete syllabus, click here!

All courses were created by our expert data scientists. DataScientest undertakes never to use external service providers or to buy back content. The content is the result of rigorous work carried out in close collaboration with major European groups.

The Data Analyst course consists of:

Introduction to Python
Dataviz or Data Visualization
Machine Learning
Database/ Big Data
Extraction and management of text data
Business Intelligence
The total duration of a course is 300 hours.

If the content remains the same, the number of course hours differs depending on the format: 35 hours per week for bootcamps and 10 hours for continuing education.

The assessment of the results is done through the implementation of an evaluation procedure, allowing to determine if the learner has acquired the necessary skills for the role of Data Analyst.
There are two aspects evaluated by the educational team:

Professional role-playing incorporating the development of a project with an estimated duration of 80 hours.
Online practical cases to regularly evaluate your skills.

The training leads to the validation of the level 7 skills block “Develop an artificial intelligence solution”. Obtaining this block of skills will allow you to validate part of the RNCP certification “Project Manager in Artificial Intelligence” code RNCP36129, certification composed of 4 blocks of skills:

  • Block 1 : Develop an artificial intelligence solution using Design Thinking
  • Block 2 : Manage an artificial intelligence project
  • Block 3 : Develop an artificial intelligence solution (Machine and Deep Learning)
  • Block 4 : Deploying an artificial intelligence solution.

A block acquired is definitively acquired. Once completed, you will receive a certificate for its validation.

Throughout your training, and as your skills develop, you will conduct a Data Analyst project.

You will carry out a project in group with other members of your class. Our topics are updated monthly and are inspired by the work we do in companies. You can also propose a personal project, as long as the data is accessible, and our teaching team validates it.
Obviously this adds difficulty and also realism to make you fully operational: uncleaned data, untrained models, but our teachers are there to help you at each step of this project.

It is an extremely effective way to move from theory to practice and to ensure that you apply the topics discussed in class.

It is also a project that is highly appreciated by companies because it ensures the quality of the training and the knowledge acquired at the end of the Data Analyst training. Skills that are not only technical, since soft-skills are also highlighted:

Communicating information.
Presenting and popularizing your work.
Valuing data through visualizations (especially by creating dashboards).

In short, this is a project that will require a real investment: one third of your time spent on the training will be spent on the project.

Each major step highlights a new aspect covered in the course. The project is supervised by a project mentor to guide and coach you.

Our Data Analyst training will allow you to obtain a training certificate delivered by the Ecole des Mines de Paris.

You can therefore benefit from the recognition of a world-class school. This training certificate is a guarantee of quality and complete content for each of our learners.

As the B2B leader in Data Science training, DataScientest enjoys a high level of recognition among companies that entrust us with the training of their data science teams.

With the skills developed by the training, you will validate block 3 of the RNCP36129 certification “Project Manager in Artificial Intelligence” recognized by the State.

If you are registered with Pôle Emploi, you are potentially eligible for AIF, individual training assistance.

You have the option of paying in 3, 6, 10 or 12 monthly installments. To know the conditions of this payment system, click here. 

To find all the financing possibilities, nothing could be simpler: we have created a page dedicated to the subject! Discover it by clicking here.

After a Data Analyst training at DataScientest, you can continue your training with a Data Scientist training or with a short training on Power Bi.

After obtaining the RNCP certification in its entirety, you could work as

  • Project manager in artificial intelligence
  • Artificial Intelligence Engineer
  • Artificial Intelligence Project Director
  • Artificial Intelligence team manager
  • Artificial Intelligence Expert
  • Artificial Intelligence Consultant
  • Machine Learning Project Manager
Accordion Content

Being able to master Data is a valuable and sought-after skill in many jobs today. Thus, data sciences are becoming more and more essential for the transformation of companies. Training in these professions therefore amounts to opening up to new opportunities and numerous advantages.

The salary of a Junior Data Analyst is on average €41,000 per year depending on the sector and company.
The range extends from €35,000 to €45,000 per year.

After 3 years of experience, the status of Confirmed Data Analyst comes with a higher salary of between €50,000 and €55,000. These data come from our survey, details of which are available in this article. 

Once his training is finished, the Data Analyst can deepen his training and train in the profession of Data Scientist, training also available on DataScientest.com or on other platforms.

For more information, check out the video.

According to the study conducted among the 2019 and 2020 promotions of the Data analyst course, 82% of them found a job as a Data Analyst within 6 months after the end of the training.

On the first day of your training, you will be presented with a platform dedicated to career services, containing all the workshops essential to your job search.

You can access it continuously, even after the end of your training.

Mathilde and Morgane, our career managers, are entirely dedicated to you throughout your training. It is possible to make an individual appointment with one of them to accompany you and answer your questions about your career plan.

Each month :

A full day is organized to help you optimize your job search with different topics on presentation, career change, salary negotiation and technical test training. In addition to these topics, other workshops are organized according to your needs.
You will benefit from a career workshop with the intervention of a senior expert consultant. Different topics to help in the job search are discussed: how to fight the imposter syndrome, how to create a network, how to write a good CV and LinkedIn oriented Data.
Participate in an Alumni Talk. An alumnus speaks to share his experience of training, job search and give you tips.
On the other hand, concrete actions are set up to help you in your job search: the recruitment fair organized by DataScientest with its partner companies, organization of Webinars with data experts, communication actions to boost your visibility (CV contest, DataDays, project articles published on the blog and external reference media).

Finally, you should know that a specific Slack channel has been set up for people looking for a job, on which all the information about workshops and job offers are transmitted.

To learn more about DataScientest’s career support activities, click on this link.

If we refer to the Data managers of the big CAC 40 groups, it is more important for a Data Analyst to know how to communicate in writing and orally, than to master the company’s own business.
Therefore, we have integrated into our curriculum modules that allow you to practice these soft skills with :

Oral presentations of the project, which allow developing these skills.
Masterclasses dedicated to project management and the interpretation of results.

Newsletters developed by our data scientists are sent regularly and are a reliable source of specialized data science information.

At the same time, the DataScientest community continues to grow, and with it all of its alumni.

To keep in touch and allow former students to communicate with each other, DataScientest has set up a group of alumni on LinkedIn  who share and discuss various themes around Data Science.

Questions, tips, and technology news are shared on this page for the benefit of all. You will be invited to join it at the beginning of your training. Also on the agenda: are business opportunities, networking, and events (trade shows, Data Challenges…).
This has made it possible to create strong links with the major groups, which have ensured the growth of our structure.

Initially, DataScientest supported the data transition of companies. This has made it possible to create strong links with the major groups which have ensured the growth of our structure.

Thanks to our experience with large companies, we regularly organize recruitment fairs for all our students and alumni with our partner companies. 

The job
Accordion Content

New technologies have evolved in such a way that we now have an astronomical amount of data. One of the first sources? Businesses. From then on, their challenge became to succeed in understanding and sorting this data. To do this, new professions have emerged. Among them, the profession of Data Analyst is one of the first to have emerged from the Data sphere, for the greater good of companies.

To better identify the most important skills for a Data Analyst in 2020, we interviewed 25 Data managers from CAC 40 groups (Crédit Agricole, BNP Paribas, AXA, etc.)

Among the most sought-after data analyst skills, they prioritized in order:
Knowledge of the company and its business
Office automation
Soft-skills: marketing, English and legal notions
Obviously, the objective of the Data Analyst is to master each of these fields of competences as well as possible: the must is of course a training specific to this profession which will know how to professionalize you and emphasize each of these aspects.

Discover our file   if you want to discover the profession of Data Analyst in its entirety: missions, required skills, salaries. Click here ! 

The missions of the Data Analyst are plural and call upon varied skills:

Data collection, processing and analysis
Design of data visualizations/dataviz and dissemination of reports for decision-making
Detection of models and opportunities from collected
Data acquisition in collaboration with other Data businesses (data architect , data steward, etc.
Depending on the type and size of the structure in which the Data Analyst works, his functions and tasks can obviously change or lean more towards a form of action.

The Data Analyst’s key questions are based on the four different types of analytics:

“Descriptive analytics”: What happened?
“Diagnostic analytics”: Why did this happen?
“Predictive analytics”: What is likely to happen?
“Prescriptive analytics”: What actions should be taken?
Would you like to know more about the missions of the Data Analyst? Click here ! 

Key information
Accordion Content

Once you have registered on the website, a member of our team will contact you to discuss your background and your professional project. This is to ensure that the training you want to follow is consistent with your expectations.

Prior to entering the course, you will have to take a technical placement test. This test covers basic data analysis and statistics.

Then, a member of our admissions team will contact you to communicate the results and discuss your motivations and the relevance of your project. Up to this point, there is no commitment with DataScientest, and you can decide at any time not to proceed.

The registration phase only begins once the project has been confirmed. From that moment on, our teams will organize your Data Analyst bootcamp or continuous training and provide you with information on all its practical aspects.

Access time : Until the day before the start date, subject to availability.

Once registered on the site, a member of our teams will contact you to discuss your background and your professional project. This is to ensure that the training you want to follow is consistent with your expectations.

Before starting training, you will have to pass a technical positioning test. It covers mathematical notions of probability/statistics and basic algebra (level L1/L2 mathematics).

Then, a member of our admissions team contacts you to communicate the results and discuss your motivations and the relevance of your project. So far, there is no commitment with DataScientest and you can therefore decide at any time not to continue your steps.

The registration phase only begins once the project has been confirmed. From that moment, our teams take care of starting your Data Analyst bootcamp or your continuing education and organizing it with you in all its practical aspects, whether it is continuing professional training or in bootcamp format.

To combine flexibility and motivation, DataScientest’s pedagogy is based on hybrid professional training. This makes it possible to combine flexibility and rigor without compromising on one or the other. A 100% distance training combining synchronous (masterclass) and asynchronous times (courses and exercises on the ready-to-code platform) so that motivation is always there. This translates into 85% learning on the coached platform and 15% masterclass session by videoconference.

The courses are given by videoconference but the follow-up remains the same with teachers available and attentive to your progress throughout your training.

Our Data Analyst training is designed to enable you to develop the following skills:

  • Read and understand Python code
  • Manipulate and manage tables of data (key skill in Machine Learning)
  • Putting Data Visualization at the service of data analysis
  • Produce simple statistical graphs at the crossroads of Data Visualization and Data Analysis
  • Implement a classic Machine Learning algorithm and use it on text data
  • Evaluate a model using cross-validation and different metrics
  • Identify unsupervised machine learning issues
  • Process massive datasets and apply machine learning models to large databases
  • Master advanced tools in Data Analysis to guide business strategy

Today, more and more companies are looking for a simple and effective way to create their own solution in order to better manage their company, meet the challenges they face and boost their productivity. Through various services such as Power BI, Power Apps, Power Automate and Power Virtual Agents, Microsoft offers you the possibility of generating simple dashboards, creating applications without going through programming, automating different processes and create AI-powered chatbots.

With the Data Analyst course, DataScientest offers you training for the passage of this certification to allow you to learn how to discover the different services of Microsoft Power Platform. At the end of this training, you will have the choice to take the official Microsoft certification and become Microsoft Certified Power Platform Fundamentals.

The course
Accordion Content

In order to integrate the training, it is necessary to have obtained a diploma or a level 6 title (equivalent to a bachelors degree).

These prerequisites exist because although the training is focused on data science, and not mathematics, they are necessary for a good understanding of the concepts covered.
Learners are also required to have a computer with an internet connection and a webcam in order to follow the training in an optimal way.

To receive the complete syllabus, click here!

All courses were created by our expert data scientists. DataScientest undertakes never to use external service providers or to buy back content. The content is the result of rigorous work carried out in close collaboration with major European groups.

The Data Analyst course consists of:

Introduction to Python
Dataviz or Data Visualization
Machine Learning
Database/ Big Data
Extraction and management of text data
Business Intelligence
The total duration of a course is 300 hours.

If the content remains the same, the number of course hours differs depending on the format: 35 hours per week for bootcamps and 10 hours for continuing education.

The assessment of the results is done through the implementation of an evaluation procedure, allowing to determine if the learner has acquired the necessary skills for the role of Data Analyst.
There are two aspects evaluated by the educational team:

Professional role-playing incorporating the development of a project with an estimated duration of 80 hours.
Online practical cases to regularly evaluate your skills.

The training leads to the validation of the level 7 skills block “Develop an artificial intelligence solution”. Obtaining this block of skills will allow you to validate part of the RNCP certification “Project Manager in Artificial Intelligence” code RNCP36129, certification composed of 4 blocks of skills:

  • Block 1 : Develop an artificial intelligence solution using Design Thinking
  • Block 2 : Manage an artificial intelligence project
  • Block 3 : Develop an artificial intelligence solution (Machine and Deep Learning)
  • Block 4 : Deploying an artificial intelligence solution.

A block acquired is definitively acquired. Once completed, you will receive a certificate for its validation.

Throughout your training, and as your skills develop, you will conduct a Data Analyst project.

You will carry out a project in group with other members of your class. Our topics are updated monthly and are inspired by the work we do in companies. You can also propose a personal project, as long as the data is accessible, and our teaching team validates it.
Obviously this adds difficulty and also realism to make you fully operational: uncleaned data, untrained models, but our teachers are there to help you at each step of this project.

It is an extremely effective way to move from theory to practice and to ensure that you apply the topics discussed in class.

It is also a project that is highly appreciated by companies because it ensures the quality of the training and the knowledge acquired at the end of the Data Analyst training. Skills that are not only technical, since soft-skills are also highlighted:

Communicating information.
Presenting and popularizing your work.
Valuing data through visualizations (especially by creating dashboards).

In short, this is a project that will require a real investment: one third of your time spent on the training will be spent on the project.

Each major step highlights a new aspect covered in the course. The project is supervised by a project mentor to guide and coach you.

Our Data Analyst training will allow you to obtain a training certificate delivered by the Ecole des Mines de Paris.

You can therefore benefit from the recognition of a world-class school. This training certificate is a guarantee of quality and complete content for each of our learners.

As the B2B leader in Data Science training, DataScientest enjoys a high level of recognition among companies that entrust us with the training of their data science teams.

With the skills developed by the training, you will validate block 3 of the RNCP36129 certification “Project Manager in Artificial Intelligence” recognized by the State.

If you are registered with Pôle Emploi, you are potentially eligible for AIF, individual training assistance.

You have the option of paying in 3, 6, 10 or 12 monthly installments. To know the conditions of this payment system, click here. 

To find all the financing possibilities, nothing could be simpler: we have created a page dedicated to the subject! Discover it by clicking here.

After a Data Analyst training at DataScientest, you can continue your training with a Data Scientist training or with a short training on Power Bi.

After obtaining the RNCP certification in its entirety, you could work as

  • Project manager in artificial intelligence
  • Artificial Intelligence Engineer
  • Artificial Intelligence Project Director
  • Artificial Intelligence team manager
  • Artificial Intelligence Expert
  • Artificial Intelligence Consultant
  • Machine Learning Project Manager
The carreer
Accordion Content

Being able to master Data is a valuable and sought-after skill in many jobs today. Thus, data sciences are becoming more and more essential for the transformation of companies. Training in these professions therefore amounts to opening up to new opportunities and numerous advantages.

The salary of a Junior Data Analyst is on average €41,000 per year depending on the sector and company.
The range extends from €35,000 to €45,000 per year.

After 3 years of experience, the status of Confirmed Data Analyst comes with a higher salary of between €50,000 and €55,000. These data come from our survey, details of which are available in this article. 

Once his training is finished, the Data Analyst can deepen his training and train in the profession of Data Scientist, training also available on DataScientest.com or on other platforms.

For more information, check out the video.

According to the study conducted among the 2019 and 2020 promotions of the Data analyst course, 82% of them found a job as a Data Analyst within 6 months after the end of the training.

On the first day of your training, you will be presented with a platform dedicated to career services, containing all the workshops essential to your job search.

You can access it continuously, even after the end of your training.

Mathilde and Morgane, our career managers, are entirely dedicated to you throughout your training. It is possible to make an individual appointment with one of them to accompany you and answer your questions about your career plan.

Each month :

A full day is organized to help you optimize your job search with different topics on presentation, career change, salary negotiation and technical test training. In addition to these topics, other workshops are organized according to your needs.
You will benefit from a career workshop with the intervention of a senior expert consultant. Different topics to help in the job search are discussed: how to fight the imposter syndrome, how to create a network, how to write a good CV and LinkedIn oriented Data.
Participate in an Alumni Talk. An alumnus speaks to share his experience of training, job search and give you tips.
On the other hand, concrete actions are set up to help you in your job search: the recruitment fair organized by DataScientest with its partner companies, organization of Webinars with data experts, communication actions to boost your visibility (CV contest, DataDays, project articles published on the blog and external reference media).

Finally, you should know that a specific Slack channel has been set up for people looking for a job, on which all the information about workshops and job offers are transmitted.

To learn more about DataScientest’s career support activities, click on this link.

If we refer to the Data managers of the big CAC 40 groups, it is more important for a Data Analyst to know how to communicate in writing and orally, than to master the company’s own business.
Therefore, we have integrated into our curriculum modules that allow you to practice these soft skills with :

Oral presentations of the project, which allow developing these skills.
Masterclasses dedicated to project management and the interpretation of results.

Our services

Newsletters developed by our data scientists are sent regularly and are a reliable source of specialized data science information.

At the same time, the DataScientest community continues to grow, and with it all of its alumni.

To keep in touch and allow former students to communicate with each other, DataScientest has set up a group of alumni on LinkedIn  who share and discuss various themes around Data Science.

Questions, tips, and technology news are shared on this page for the benefit of all. You will be invited to join it at the beginning of your training. Also on the agenda: are business opportunities, networking, and events (trade shows, Data Challenges…).
This has made it possible to create strong links with the major groups, which have ensured the growth of our structure.

Initially, DataScientest supported the data transition of companies. This has made it possible to create strong links with the major groups which have ensured the growth of our structure.

Thanks to our experience with large companies, we regularly organize recruitment fairs for all our students and alumni with our partner companies. 

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