Think you’ve got what it takes for a career in Data? Find out in just one minute!
Think you’ve got what it takes for a career in Data? Find out in just one minute!
Getting started in Data Science means opening up to a field of new and growing opportunities today. Many themes around Big Data, Deep Learning or Data Visualization await you.
The skills specific to each of these roles being different, we have decided to build our courses around specific business issues. Are you looking for training that will allow you to identify the challenges of Big Data, to learn how to program an autonomous car or to automate the fight against tax evasion? Discover our trainings!
You might be wondering what is the entry-level required for each data professions? That is completely normal, and our conselors are here to help you!
Learn how to build predictive models to identify new trends.
Learn how to use and interpret data to respond to specific issues.
Learn how to set up and maintain Big Data architecture.
Learn how to automate infrastructure deployment on private, hybrid or public clouds.
Take the 4-day 100% online training course to prepare for the AWS Solutions Architect certification.
Take the Power BI PL-300 training course and become officially certified by Microsoft certification.
Learn how to manage a data project from its framing to its achievements.
The DataScientest asset? A hybrid training combining guided learning on a platform entirely designed by our data scientists and coaching sessions to combine motivation and flexibility.
Training in Data Science allows you to acquire the skills to practice related jobs: Data Analyst, Data Scientist, Data Engineer, Data Manager or Machine Learning Engineer.
Thanks to smartphones, social networks, connected objects, e-commerce stores, and other sources of data streams, companies have access to huge volumes of data. It ‘s Big Data.
By analyzing this data, it is possible to generate insights: actionable information to make better decisions, understand consumer demand or identify the strengths and weaknesses of the company. It’s Data Science.
Data Science and Big Data analytics offer many benefits to businesses. However, it requires the technical expertise of professionals such as Data Scientist, Data Analyst or Data Engineers.
Many wonder if Data Science and Big Data will ever come to an end or if it has reached its peak. What is clear now is that the amount of data is growing every year and that trends should not be ignored to better prepare for them. The current trends in the Data Science and Big Data field are :
There are many good reasons to get training in manipulating Big Data. First of all, the demand is extremely strong. Data science skills are one of the most sought-after skills in the 21st century, and for good reason. From unlocking insights from large datasets to building predictive models, Data Science is essential to help organizations make informed decisions.
For many organizations, this is now a top priority. And this concerns all industries, since Big Data is used in all sectors : finance, manufacturing, communication, logistics, health, retail…
If you are looking for a Data Science training, you can choose DataScientest. Our different courses allow you to acquire the skills required for Data Science jobs: Data Analyst, Data Scientist, Data Engineer… All our courses adopt a Blended Learning approach, and can be carried out in BootCamp or part-time training.
Data Science is not a skill you can pick up overnight. It takes knowledge and expertise in a variety of fields, including statistics, computer science, and business. You may even need to learn new programming languages to fully take advantage of data science. With Datascientest courses, you will learn Data Science theory, apply it to real-world problems, and work on projects that are both applicable and interesting. Furthermore, thanks to our career services, 93% of our alumni have found a job at most 6 months after their training. All of our learners also receive a certificate recognized by University La Sorbonne.
Discover our Big Data training courses ! If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to take an appointment with our team !
Training in Data Science should allow you to acquire several essential skills to work in the field of Big Data. Here are some common Data Science specializations : Data analytics, Visualization, Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, Natural language processing, Data engineering and many more.
With the massive adoption of Data Science and the explosion in the volume of unstructured data such as images, sounds or videos. It is necessary to develop some hard skills. To be more specific, you will learn to use the Python, Java and C++ programming languages. You will also be asked to handle the main Big Data tools such as Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark or Hive. Data Mining, Data Visualization and Machine Learning techniques are also part of the Data Science expert’s arsenal. Finally, at the end of the training, you will be operational on SQL and NoSQL databases, and the different data structures.
From the first day of your training, you will be given access to a platform dedicated to career services with all information you need in your job search.
These professional training courses are designed by experts to meet the concrete needs of companies , and 93% of our alumni have found a job at most 6 months after their training. Learners also receive a diploma recognized by La Sorbonne.
All our courses adopt a Blended Learning approach combining distance and face-to-face learning, and can be carried out in BootCamp or Continuing Education.
The courses can for example be paid in up to 12 installments, via the education voucher from the German Job Center, via the an income share agreement (comparable to a student loan), or by your employer. Click here if you are from a company!
Such a course provides access to the various professions of Data Science. There are many opportunities in the Data science field thanks to the rapid evolution, it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and research. Among the most best known jobs, we can mention :
Among these professions, we can mention the Data Architect, the Big Data engineer, the Business Analyst or the Machine Learning Engineer and many more jobs which maybe do not exist yet.