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Speed, volume, variety… With Big Data, organizations can access thousands of relevant data points in record time. Better customer insights, …

The Web Analytics Consultant is an expert capable of deciphering the behaviors of internet users and transforming raw website data …

Is it true that, currently, ChatGPT is the top notch conversational chatbot available in the market? However, could you be …

A MAC (Media Access Control) address is a unique identifier assigned to every network interface of a device. It plays …

Network convergence encapsulates the concept that various modes of communication can coexist and interact within a single, all-encompassing network. It …

ChatGPT, Midjourney, Sora… The feats of artificial intelligence continue to astound us. Yet, are we discussing strong AI or weak …

Writing summaries, translating text into different languages, brainstorming, coding… ChatGPT performs wonders. However, to avoid offending the more sensitive, the …

Cybercrimes are skyrocketing. And unfortunately, it is not always possible to stop them in time. Once they have occurred, it …

More sophisticated, more aggressive, and better equipped, modern cyber attacks are formidable. To counter them, companies would do well to …

Embedded systems, present in a multitude of devices such as mobile phones and industrial machinery, are highly optimized for distinct …

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