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Combining software development and software administration, DevOps is a rare resource for companies. If you have the required skills, your …

In today’s digital world, where online applications and services have become indispensable, error monitoring and management are essential aspects of …

Since the advent of cloud computing, these two acronyms have been the talk of the town. What exactly do they …

Since its creation in 1995, JavaScript has gone from strength to strength. Initially conceived as a simple scripting language for …

Today’s modern businesses use tools to respond quickly to customer expectations. And to do this, they need applications that are …

Have you heard of Grafana, the open source solution for analyzing and monitoring our online systems? Recently, its developers decided …

In his research paper published in March 2021, Yann LeCun, Vice President and Chief Scientist of Artificial Intelligence at Facebook, …

Inspired by a group of citizen data scientists, Pycaret aims to democratize machine learning for everyone. So what exactly is …

For several years now, the DevOps movement has been gaining momentum in software development. And yes, through a paradigm shift, …

Software development is based on several stages characterized by the PDCA or Plan – Do – Check – Act principle. …

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