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The purpose of these general conditions of use (known as “CGU”) is to provide a legal framework for the terms and conditions for the provision of the site and services by DataScientest and to define the conditions of access and use of the services by “the Customer “. These T&Cs are accessible on the site under the “T&Cs” section. The T&Cs must be accepted by any Customer wishing to access the site and the DataScientest Platform in order to follow a training course in data science. They constitute the contract between DataScientest and the Customer. Any registration or use of the site implies acceptance without any reservation or restriction of these T&Cs by the Customer. In the event of non-acceptance of the T&Cs, the Customer must renounce access to the services offered by Datascientest.com. DataScientest reserves the right to unilaterally modify the content of these T&Cs at any time.
The edition of the Datascientest.com site is provided by the DataScientest Company with a capital of €1,000, registered 011755665975 with the RCS of Paris under the number 831 450 069 whose head office is located at 2 place de Barcelone 75016 Paris, contact@Datascientest. com
Represented by Mr. Tordjman Yoel. Intra-community VAT number: FR 69 831450069
The Director of publication is Mr. Tordjman Yoel.
The site is hosted by AMAZON WEB SERVICES EMEA SARL whose address is as follows: AMAZON WEB SERVICES EMEA SARL 31 places des Corolles 92400 Courbevoie.
To create your account, you will need to submit to DataScientest certain personal information such as your marital status, your level of training, and your email address. You will find the description of the processing of your data in our Personal Data Protection Policy. You will then receive the identifiers necessary to access the Platform. The information you provided during registration may be corrected at any time during the registration process. You agree to abide by applicable laws when using DataScientest’s services, and you may only use the services for lawful purposes. The content on the site and the Platform must only be used for private use. The Client is responsible for the use of the Platform and for all actions carried out within the Platform with their identifier, or after notification to Datascientest of misuse of their account.
Each Client warrants to Datascientest that the information he provides on their marital status and contact details is accurate and up-to-date. DataScientest can in no way be held responsible for errors or omissions. The Client is solely responsible for all activity that takes place on his account.
The trademarks, logos, signs as well as all the content of the site (texts, images, sound, etc.) are protected by the Intellectual Property Code and more particularly by copyright. The Customer must seek the prior authorization of the site for any reproduction, publication, copy of the various contents. They undertake to use the contents of the site in a strictly private context, any use for commercial and advertising purposes is strictly prohibited. Any total or partial representation of this site by any means whatsoever, without the express authorization of the operator of the website would constitute an infringement punishable by article L 335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code. It is reminded in accordance with article L122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code that a Customer who reproduces, copies or publishes the protected content must cite the author and its source. Customers (companies) having concluded an agreement during training in data science for their employees, only have a right of communication on the collaboration between DataScientest and the Client.
The Customer remains the owner of all of their intellectual property rights. But by publishing a publication on the DataScientest site, they assign to the publishing company the non-exclusive and free right to represent, reproduce, adapt, modify, distribute and distribute his publication, directly or through an authorized third party, worldwide, on any medium (digital or physical), for the duration of the intellectual property. In particular, the Customer assigns the right to use its publication on the Internet and on mobile telephone networks. DataScientest undertakes to display the member’s name near each use of its publication. Any content posted by the Customer is their sole responsibility. The Customer undertakes not to put online content that may harm the interests of third parties. Any legal action brought by an injured third party against the site will be borne by the Customer. The content of a Customer may be at any time and for any reason deleted or modified by the site, without notice.
Any course published within the DataScientest platform remains the property of its author.
Customers have the option of accessing discussion areas where they can consult the discussion threads, and discuss a given question. When you publish a message, you undertake to comply in particular with the provisions of the articles below and those mentioned in the Rules and instructions for good conduct.
As part of the use of the Platform, Customers undertake to:
Guarantee the accuracy, integrity and legality of all the information they provide
Create only one account within the Platform;
Refrain from entering information and/or messages, comments and other content that is malicious, denigrating, defamatory, etc. and/or contrary to public order or morality;
Respect everyone’s right to respect for their privacy, image and all of their other rights (personality, intellectual property, copyright, etc.)
Not to alter or disrupt the integrity of the Platform and/or the data contained therein;
Use the Platform in compliance with laws and regulations
In the event of a breach of one of these obligations, we reserve the right to temporarily or permanently suspend the Client/Learner’s account.
DataScientest has drawn up a “Learning Regulation” as well as Rules and instructions for good conduct respecting the legal framework, each “User” of the site and the Platform undertakes to respect them and to follow the rules recommended in these documents.
Any Customer has the possibility of reporting to DataScientest any message or comment and more generally any content published within the Service which would be contrary to the Contract or otherwise illicit or even likely to alter the operation of our Platform, in any way whatsoever.
To do this, you must contact Datascientest, either by email at: contact@datascientest.com
We reserve the right to remove any illegal or non-compliant content that has been previously reported.
Any manifestly abusive report may be sanctioned by DataScientest. For more information on the obligations of the Learner, you are invited to read the Rules and instructions for good conduct.
The information, messages, comments, published by Learners within the DataScientest Platform are not checked before their publication within the Platform. On the other hand, all content is likely to be checked a posteriori by the DataScientest teams. As a host we are subject to the reduced liability regime for Confidence in the Digital Economy, we may, in this context, delete illegal content that will be reported to us.
DataScientest undertakes to carry out the training services with all the care and skill at its disposal within the framework of an obligation of means. The responsibility of DataScientest can only be engaged on proven and exclusive faults of DataScientest.
DataScientest reserves the right to carry out interventions on the resources made available to Learners in order to carry out corrective, curative or evolutionary maintenance of the site. Any remote maintenance is preceded by information to the Customer by email 24 hours before it takes place. These maintenances will be carried out at night for one hour once a week.
The case of force majeure suspends the obligations of the party concerned during the time when force majeure will apply if this event is temporary. Neither party shall be liable to the other party for any delay in performance or non-performance due to the occurrence of an event beyond the control of the parties which could not have been reasonably foreseen at the time of acceptance of the T&Cs and whose effects cannot be avoided by appropriate measures. Nevertheless, the parties will endeavor to minimize the consequences as far as possible. Otherwise, if the impediment is final, the parties will be released from their obligations under the conditions provided for in Articles 1351 and 1351-1 of the Civil Code.
French law applies to these T&Cs. In the event of absence of amicable resolution of a dispute arising between the parties, the French courts will have sole jurisdiction.