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SRE vs. Devops: what are the differences?

sre devops

DevOps vs. SRE – Site Reliability Engineering – and DevOps are two highly sought-after IT practices that share similarities. It is essential to understand their respective roles and how a company can benefit from both simultaneously. Devops: what is it? The term DevOps refers to a practice that enables a single IT team to handle […]

DevOps certification: What is it and how do I get it?

devops certification

A DevOps certification allows you to demonstrate your mastery of this development methodology to potential employers. Discover the best DevOps certifications and how to undergo training to prepare for and obtain them. https://youtu.be/JAU1f16cq9o The DevOps methodology is now the most widely used in application development, especially in the field of Data Science. As a result, […]

Seaborn: Everything you need to know about the Python data visualization tool


Seaborn is a Python Data Visualization tool. Discover everything you need to know: presentation, use cases, benefits, training… Data Visualization is a technique that allows Data Scientists to transform raw data into graphs and diagrams. Such illustrations make it easier to read and understand data, which is why DataViz is very useful. There are many […]

KPIs: Key Performance Indicators


KPI (Key Performance Indicator) is an English acronym that can be translated as “indicateur clé de performance” (ICP) in French. A KPI allows a company to effectively guide a marketing campaign, for example, and measure its effectiveness through the use of marketing KPIs. There are many different types of KPIs, but to keep KPIs meaningful, […]

TensorFlow course: Where to learn how to use the framework?

tensorflow course

A TensorFlow training allows you to learn how to master Google’s open-source framework, which is essential for Data Science and Deep Learning. Discover how and why to pursue such a course. Machine Learning has become more accessible in recent years, thanks to the emergence of frameworks that have greatly simplified the implementation of models. TensorFlow […]