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Women in tech who have driven technology forward

"Tech is not only for men": Women who have driven technology forward

With the persistence of male dominance in the technology sector, it’s easy to forget just how instrumental women have been in its development since its origins some 300 years ago. Despite the constant barrage of obstacles, women in tech have persevered to have their work recognised and widely used, so much so that many of […]

Exploring Traffic Manager Training Programs: Enhance Your Skills and Career Potential

Find out more about traffic manager training

Whether to sell their products and services or simply to promote themselves, the vast majority of companies today have a website. But for it to be effective, it needs to attract quality traffic. And with the proliferation of websites, acquiring quality traffic can often be a real headache. Unless you have the necessary skills. That’s […]

Apache Flink: Framework definition, structure and limits

Delve into Apache Flink, a powerful stream processing framework. Learn about its definition, underlying structure, and understand its limitations to harness its full potential in your data processing tasks.

The origins of Apache Flink Initially developed at the Technical University of Berlin, its first versions were released in 2011 and were designed to address complex data processing issues in a distributed, real-time environment. Over the years, Flink has become a benchmark for a large number of companies, to the point of becoming one of […]

Terraform and Azure DevOps Pipelines: A Comprehensive Guide for Infrastructure as Code


Terraform enables infrastructure to be deployed on the Azure DevOps Pipeline. Find out everything you need to know about this alternative to Azure Resource Manager, and the strengths of this solution! Each cloud provider has its own infrastructure deployment method. For example, Microsoft Azure uses the JSON configuration language, while AWS and Google Cloud Platform […]