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Jensen-Shannon divergence: Everything you need to know about this ML model

Discover everything you need to know about Jensen-Shannon Divergence, a vital concept in machine learning. Learn its principles, applications, and how it measures the similarity between probability distributions, guiding your understanding of complex data analysis.

The Jensen-Shannon divergence is used to measure the similarity between two probability distributions, particularly in the field of Machine Learning. Find out everything you need to know about this measure, from its history to its modern applications! During the 20th century, the Danish mathematician Johan Jensen and the American statistician Peter Shannon made major contributions […]

Big Data for Dummies

Big Data for Dummies

Big Data refers to resources whose characteristics in terms of volume, velocity and variety require the use of specific technology and analytical methods to generate value. Find out everything there is to know about Big Data. The proliferation of data, due to the increasing digitisation of the economy and players in all markets, has forced […]