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Service Host: What is it? What is it used for?

Definition of Service Host A “service host”, in the context of Windows, is a system process that manages and runs multiple Windows services. These Windows services are background applications, operating without direct user interaction, and are pivotal for the smooth operation of the operating system and installed applications. Service hosts are typically identified by the […]

What is Cybernetics? Definition, history, and applications

Cybernetics is a science at the intersection of technology, biology, and social sciences, shaping our understanding of complex systems and transforming our world at breakneck speed. Discover its history, current applications, and future prospects! Imagine a world where machines can think, adapt, and evolve, where biological and technological systems interact seamlessly and harmoniously. This is […]

SEO: What is it? How does it work?

A thriving business is often a visible business. In the age of the internet, this visibility occurs on search engines, like Google, Bing, or Yahoo. But the competition is fierce. To carve out a spot, it is crucial to approach the right strategy, namely SEO. In this article, we explain what it involves, and also […]