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ERP Consultant: missions, skills, training

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Centralizing the management of various business processes, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software is a must-have for many organizations. But to effectively manage workflows and streamline resource sharing between organizations, you must know how to use this tool properly. This is where an ERP consultant comes into play.

Fully proficient in integrated management software packages, they assist organizations in implementing this tool. Discover this profession, its missions, skills, and especially the training needed to become an ERP consultant.

What is an ERP consultant?

An ERP consultant assists companies in implementing ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software. They provide a solution tailored to the company’s needs so that they can organize, manage, and centralize all their business resources. Human resources, accounting, logistics, customer dossier tracking—the software optimizes all workflows. With this IT solution, companies improve in productivity and competitiveness.

Often, ERP consultants work within Digital Services Companies (DSC), organizational consulting firms, Engineering Service Companies (ESC), or software publishers. They are then seconded to companies that require these services. These could be large groups, startups, SMEs, intermediate-sized enterprises, etc., across various sectors of activity.

What are the missions of an ERP consultant?

To help companies enhance their productivity through enterprise resource planning software, an ERP consultant operates in three phases.

Audit and understanding of needs

ERP software is only truly effective if it specifically meets an organization’s needs. The ERP consultant must conduct an assessment before proposing the most appropriate solution. To this end, they perform a series of tasks:

  • Conduct an audit to identify all the organization’s resources, user needs, and business constraints;
  • Analyze the functional, technical, and organizational impacts associated with implementing ERP software;
  • Estimate the development cost;
  • Propose a suitable ERP (this could be a general ERP for all services or a specific business ERP);
  • Draft a specification document formalizing the requirements and the implementation schedule.

Managing change

Once the software is selected, the consultant assists the company with its implementation. They will first configure the software according to the organization’s needs.

Then, they assist users in handling the new tool. The aim is to promote change management and make the company fully autonomous in using the ERP.

Again, they carry out several tasks:

  • Training trainers and users;
  • Writing technical documentation (user guides, process guides, architecture diagrams, etc.).


The implementation of the ERP software alone is not sufficient; it must also be ensured that it functions well over the long term. Thus, after its installation, the ERP consultant will conduct a series of tests and simulations to identify any potential bugs.

Even afterward, they continue to assist the company by providing support, corrective maintenance, and continuous improvement of the ERP system.

What are the essential skills of an ERP consultant?

The ERP consultant has both a technical and business profile. Thus, they must possess several skills and personal qualities:

  • IT knowledge: To integrate the enterprise resource planning software into the organization’s entire IT system, the ERP consultant must have solid technical knowledge.
  • Mastery of ERPs: They should have extensive knowledge of ERPs, not just their own but also those of their competitors.
  • Business acumen: One of their key missions is understanding their clients’ needs; thus, they must thoroughly grasp the business challenges for each company.
  • Negotiation skills: To convince their clients of the added value of their solution and finalize the contract.
  • Command of English: Many software and documentation are only available in English. Therefore, they must have at least professional-level English skills.
  • Interpersonal skills: As they work directly with their clients, they must have good listening skills combined with persuasive power.

How to become an ERP consultant?

To work as an ERP consultant, you typically need a bachelor’s or master’s degree in computer science, which is essential for developing technical skills. An engineering school diploma is particularly appreciated by recruiters.

Since ERP software aims to promote data centralization, a specialization in data engineering is a significant plus. DataScientest helps you acquire this skill.


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