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AutoGPT, discover the new tool that makes ChatGPT autonomous

Since the announcement of GPT-4, many initiatives have been developed to improve generative AIs like ChatGPT. Among them, the AutoGPT tool presents itself as capable of automating ChatGPT, at the expense of the qualities of these answers. What is AutoGPT? Developed in open source by Significant Gravitas, AutoGPT is an agent that automates GPT-4 tasks […]

Data cleaning : Definition, methods and relevance in Data Science


Data cleaning is an essential step in Data Science and Machine Learning. It consists in solving problems in data sets, to be able to exploit them later on. Definitions, techniques, use cases, training… Data is essential in Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning. They are the fuel of these technologies. Therefore, it is very […]

Internet searches will change forever with Google’s “Magi”

First Microsoft and now Google, the GAFAMs are pushing to integrate generative AI into search engines. For the search engine leader, it is only a matter of time with the presentation of the “Magi” project. What is the Magi project? With this new project, Google is asserting itself in a fantasy fashion between its intelligent […]

Data Analyst: Average salary in Toronto in 2023

Are you seeking career opportunities in the ever-growing tech capital of Canada? Toronto is full of exciting possibilities and provides ample opportunities for budding data analysts. If you are considering Toronto as your next stop, then doing some research into salaries will surely be beneficial to understand job market conditions. In this blog post, we’ll […]

Data Engineer: Average salary in Toronto in 2023

Are you considering becoming a Data Engineer? Are you a Data Engineer considering in moving in Canada capital city? If so, Toronto is the city for you. With its booming tech industry and many opportunities to develop your skills in this field, it’s no wonder why Toronto has become a popular destination for data engineers. […]

Workflow: Definition and advantages


According to the statistics of the Workflow Management Coalition, workflows are at the heart of every company’s IT management. Whether you identify, monitor and manage them or not, they drive your business forward. Understanding workflows, workflow management and the potential of each will help ensure your organization’s success. How do you define a workflow? A […]

NumPy : the most used Python library in Data Science


NumPy is a very popular Python library that is mainly used to perform mathematical and scientific calculations. It offers many features and tools that can be useful for Data Science projects. Becoming familiar with NumPy is an essential step in a Data Science training project. Find out everything you need to know to master Numpy. […]

Financing options : What are the possibilities?

No matter if you want to change your career or just want to give your CV a new eye-catcher, one of the most promising areas for this is certainly the field of data. With a training course from DataScientest, you will be able to do just that. But which of the various financing options is best for your situation?

No matter if you want to change your career or just want to give your CV a new eye-catcher, one of the most promising areas for this is certainly the field of data. With a training course from DataScientest, you will be able to do just that. But which of the various financing options is […]

Python : Focus on the most popular programming language


Python is the most popular and widely used programming language, particularly in the fields of data science and machine learning. Learn everything you need to know about it: definition, how it works, use cases, advantages, training… What is Python used for ? One of the main use cases of Python is scripting and automation. This […]

Mushroom recognition : Using Computer Vision in Machine Learning

Context One of the most widely used and oldest species identification techniques is “morphological identification”, which identifies individuals by their anatomical characteristics. However, this technique has the disadvantage of not being always accurate since it depends on the observation and the identification protocol of the person who performs it. An alternative to this identification technique […]

Solutions Architect : What’s its role and requirement skills ?

Data Engineer

What are the roles of the Solutions Architect ? The Solutions Architect aims at understanding, designing and integrating the implementation of reliable solutions to the firm technical problematics. In the scope of a fast-growing evolution of Systems Information (SI) in the business structure, the Solutions Architect will be in charge of creating a safe and […]