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Python : Focus on the most popular programming language


Python is the most popular and widely used programming language, particularly in the fields of data science and machine learning. Learn everything you need to know about it: definition, how it works, use cases, advantages, training… What is Python used for ? One of the main use cases of Python is scripting and automation. This […]

Mushroom recognition : Using Computer Vision in Machine Learning

Context One of the most widely used and oldest species identification techniques is “morphological identification”, which identifies individuals by their anatomical characteristics. However, this technique has the disadvantage of not being always accurate since it depends on the observation and the identification protocol of the person who performs it. An alternative to this identification technique […]

Solutions Architect : What’s its role and requirement skills ?

Data Engineer

What are the roles of the Solutions Architect ? The Solutions Architect aims at understanding, designing and integrating the implementation of reliable solutions to the firm technical problematics. In the scope of a fast-growing evolution of Systems Information (SI) in the business structure, the Solutions Architect will be in charge of creating a safe and […]

5 AWS launches and announcements making developers’ life easy in 2022

The 10th edition of Re:invent, AWS’s yearly learning conference, was the opportunity for Amazon’s Cloud Computing company to unveil dozens of new launches and announcements. DataScientest’s AWS community builder Chouaieb Nemri shares it’s top 5 with us.  With over 20 000 attendees and hundreds of thousands people following the event online, Re:Invent was an event […]

Data normalization: How this concept is related to Data Science?

normalisation des données

Daniel is the technical support of DataScientest’s trainings. It is the expert on every subject related to data science. Today, we have managed to get a quick interview with him, so that he can answer a few of our questions about data normalization. What is Data Normalization? Normalization, as it is heard in the data […]

Tensor flow : All about Google’s Machine Learning framework


TensorFlow is a Machine Learning framework created by Google and available in open source. Discover everything you need to know about it: history, functioning, advantages, training… Machine Learning is a complex discipline, but fortunately there are tools that simplify its implementation. Among these resources, there is the TensorFlow framework from Google. What is TensorFlow? It […]

MongoDB : Learn all about the NoSQL database


MongoDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database. It differs from relational databases in its flexibility and performance. Find out everything you need to know about this must-have tool for data engineering. MongoDB is a document-oriented NoSQL database that appeared in the mid-2000s. It is used for storing massive volumes of data. Unlike a traditional SQL relational […]

Data Warehouse : Definition, main concepts and use cases

data warehouse

A Data Warehouse allows you to collect data from various sources and analyze them. Discover everything you need to know about this technology at the heart of Data Science: definition, operation, history, use cases, training… What is a Data Warehouse ?​ A data warehouse is a platform used to collect and analyze data from multiple […]

Data Scientist CV : 5 things that should not be included !

cv data scientist erreurs

Competition is increasingly fierce between aspiring Data Scientists who have recently graduated. Discover 5 things not to put on your CV so as to gain an advantage over other candidates … These last few years, the profession of Data Scientist has been considered one of the best professions through all sectors. Very high remuneration, attractive […]

Deep Learning: All about this concept


This article is the first in a series dedicated to Deep Learning: After a general introduction to the functioning and applications of neural networks, you will discover in the following articles the main types of networks and their architectures, as well as methods and various examples of applications of Deep Learning today.  Let’s start our […]

Machine Learning: What is it and why does it change the world?

Machine learning

Find out everything you need to know about Machine Learning: definition, operation, and different categories… you’ll know everything about Machine Learning and its revolutionary impact in all areas! Machine Learning is a scientific field, and more specifically a sub-category of artificial intelligence. It consists in letting algorithms discover “patterns”, i.e. recurring patterns, in data sets. […]

How to become a Data Engineer?

Why become a data engineer? Missions, required skills, salaries, perspectives: find out everything you need to know about this job. In 2011, the term “Data Engineer” became common to describe database design and integrate software engineering with data analysis. Thanks to the rise of Big Data, data engineering is a category of software engineering that […]