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AZ-900 Certification: An Introduction to Microsoft Azure

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AZ-900 Certification: An Introduction to Microsoft Azure

AZ-900 Azure Microsoft Fundamentals is the certification that certifies your knowledge of the main functions of Microsoft's cloud: Azure. By the end of this certification, you'll have a perfect understanding of Azure cloud concepts, Azure services, and security and confidentiality in Azure. Why is Microsoft Azure a must-have for business and data science?

Firstly, Microsoft Azure is one of the most widely used clouds, alongside Google Cloud Platform and Amazon Web Services. 95% of Fortune 500 companies use it, including multinationals such as Coca-Cola, UPS, Toyota, etc., which have to manage immense quantities of data.

Secondly, in the fields of Data Science and Machine Learning, Microsoft’s Cloud Platform is widely used, not to say indispensable. Anyone wishing to work in a sector related to these fields is bound to be interested in it at some point in their career. AZ-900 gives you the Azure Cloud “starter kit” and arms you with the knowledge you need to master its ins and outs.

Finally, the Azure Cloud gives businesses access to a range of Cloud Computing resources, enabling them to make substantial savings (they won’t have to build their own data center, maintain it, pay for electricity…).

It is used by many companies in all industries, turning to cloud computing to replace their on-premises servers and infrastructures. The benefits include improved operational efficiency, lower infrastructure costs and a competitive edge in the marketplace.

What do you learn with AZ-900 certification?

During the exam, the candidate is assessed on several points:

  • essential cloud concepts
  • Azure core services
  • Security, confidentiality, compliance and trust

This Microsoft certification covers not only the basic services offered by Azure, but everything that goes with them: security, pricing models available with Azure…

What are the benefits of AZ-900 certification?

In-depth knowledge of the much-used Azure cloud is a real advantage for anyone working in the enterprise. Indeed, an employee who knows how to exploit all Azure’s features can really understand how data is processed and organized within the cloud. In the age of Big Data, data has become the nerve center of the enterprise: knowing where and how to store it using Azure can only improve one’s work performance and understanding of the business.

On a personal level, too, AZ-900 certification is a real advantage when it comes to employment, or a first step towards upgrading skills within the company. This certification is issued by Microsoft, the world leader in Cloud services, and is therefore an unrivalled plus on the CV.

What are the contents of the AZ900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam?

The AZ900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam covers several fundamental concepts of the Azure cloud. To pass the test, you need to know the basics of this platform.
In particular, you’ll need to master Azure resource management tools such as Azure Resource Manager, Azure Arc and Azure ARM templates.

The questions also cover Azure cost management. You need to know how to estimate, track and manage costs on Azure. You need to know how to use the price and total cost calculators and the cost management tool, and understand the factors affecting prices.

Other topics covered include governance, privacy and compliance. You’ll need to know the usefulness of Azure Blueprints, Azure Policy and the Service Trust portal. You also need to master resource locking.

Last but not least, Azure monitoring and security tools are covered. For example, questions are asked about Azure Advisor, Azure Service Health and Azure Monitor. A basic understanding of network security will be a valuable asset.
To prepare for this exam, you can consult the official course material “Azure Fundamentals: Describe Azure management and governance”.

This Microsoft learning path is made up of four modules, and covers all the concepts and notions covered in the exam. This resource is available free of charge on the web, and is designed to familiarize you with the Azure cloud.

However, choosing a Microsoft Learning Partner certified trainer like DataScientest has many advantages. We have the expertise to train teams on Microsoft products and services, and have created training courses to prepare you for the various Azure certifications.

All our instructors have Microsoft Certified Trainer status. Choosing this course is your guarantee of passing the AZ-900 exam.

How do I prepare for the official AZ-900 exam?

The official exam lasts 2 hours, and is taken remotely: you make an appointment with a Microsoft supervisor who will supervise you during the exam, and you choose a time slot that suits you. You must answer 117 questions and achieve a score of at least 700/1000.

There are no prerequisites for this course, apart from a good level of English, as the exam is in that language.

There are several options for preparing for the AZ-900. You can choose to be trained by Microsoft, which offers free Learning Paths that will help you in several areas (Fundamental concepts, Azure services, Azure tools, general security features, confidentiality…).

Opting for an independent trainer will increase your chances of success. Datascientest offers a 1-day (8-hour) intensive training course for AZ-900 certification. We guarantee exam success based on the effectiveness of our methods and the best teachers to train you on the Azure cloud. Our training program benefits from an original and fun format: 50% directly on the Azure platform, you’ll learn how to use it, and 50% synchronously with a teacher, you’ll understand the challenges and concepts of the Microsoft Cloud. The exam registration fee ($99) is included in the total price of the course.


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