Data project: 5 crucial steps

Getting started in data science inevitably means embarking on projects that can take a long time. As with any project, you need to know how to organize yourself, prioritize tasks and set milestones so you can monitor progress and make adjustments if necessary. According to a Chinese proverb, experience is a bald man’s comb. At […]
GCP custom role: How can I customise my access?
During the development of a software programme or application, dozens or even hundreds of users are involved. But not all of them have the same access rights. So if you want to customise access to the various resources on the Google Cloud Platform, there’s GCP Custom. What is GCP custom role? GCP custom roles correspond […]
n8n: An Overview of the Workflow Automation Tool
In business, redundant, day-to-day tasks are known as superfluous tasks. These tasks, which do not require any particular skills, can be detrimental to the productivity of your teams. Many new tools are emerging to automate these tasks and processes and keep employees motivated. Today we are going to present N8N, a free, open source workflow […]
GCP Cloud Deploy: How to simplify deployments?
As a perfect response to the objective of agility in application design, the process of continuous integration and delivery is gaining in importance. But if the CI/CD principle has proved its effectiveness over time, it’s partly thanks to the tools that make continuous deployment possible. One of these tools is GCP Cloud Deploy. Find out […]
Sigmoid function: What is it? What’s it for?
An essential concept in mathematics, the Sigmoid function applies perfectly to neural networks. Find out more about this function, its different phases and applications. What is the Sigmoid function? Also known as the S-curve, the Sigmoid function is expressed as follows: f ( x ) = 1 1 + e – λ x The visual […]
PyTorch Lightning: Empowering Scalable Deep Learning Frameworks
PyTorch Lightning is the new framework for large-scale Deep Learning. Discover the ins and outs of this tool below. What is PyTorch Lightning? In order to talk about Lightning, we’ll first introduce Pytorch : Pytorch is a module that provides tools for creating scalable Deep Learning models and training Neural Networks. It uses computer vision […]
HTML5: What is it? Complete guide
Web development is constantly evolving. Because of this, HTML5 occupies a prominent place as a fundamental and unavoidable language. Since its official introduction on October 28, 2014, HTML5 has revolutionized the way websites are created and offers a host of advanced features that enhance the user experience. L’évolution des balises de base dans HTML5 HTML5 […]
Apache Hive Hadoop: SQL for decision-making
The open-source framework of the leading Big Data platform, Hadoop, is ideal for storing and processing massive quantities of data. However, when it comes to data extraction, this platform is often complex, time-consuming and costly. That’s why the Apache Foundation has developed a new alternative. It’s called Apache Hive. As a reminder, in computer programming, […]
From Spreadsheets to Data Warehouses: Revolutionizing Startup Data Management
On February 23, 2021, Alexandre Laloo, data product manager at sennder, presented a webinar to our community about using data in startups. Webinar replay Alexandre Laloo and sennder A graduate of a top business school, Alexandre Laloo joined Everoad in 2017 when the company had just twenty employees. This startup, specialized in the digitalization of […]
Marketing Analytics: 80% of Consumers Willing to Share Their Data
Marketing analytics has a bright future ahead of it. According to a study conducted by, more than four out of five consumers are willing to share their personal data with a brand to take advantage of ad targeting and other tailor-made personalization options… In the space of just a few years, privacy and data […]
Supermetrics: An Overview of this Tool and Its Applications
In marketing, knowing your audience, where they come from and what their habits are, is a key step in generating quality leads. But with so many sources of data available on the Internet, this task quickly becomes back-breaking if done manually. As the number of data sources grows, aggregation tools such as Supermetrics enable you […]
Deciphering the Role of an IT Security Administrator
The IT security administrator is an expert responsible for defining a company’s cybersecurity policy, and ensuring its protection against malware and other attacks. Find out all you need to know about this essential job in a modern organization! With cyberthreats increasing year on year, protecting IT systems and data has become a top priority for […]