Amazon EKS Cluster: What is it? What’s it for?

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) is a service offered by AWS that enables you to deploy, manage and scale containerized applications using Kubernetes technology, the powerful and widely adopted open-source container orchestrator. Defining a Kubernetes cluster Before going into more detail on how Amazon EKS works, let’s take a look at what a Kubernetes cluster […]
Data tracking: What is it? Why is it important?

“Knowledge is power! “And in the age of Big Data, organizations have unprecedented knowledge potential. But to develop their power (or rather, their performance), they need to learn how to effectively track the data at their disposal. This is what we call data tracking. What is data tracking? Data tracking is the process by which […]
Left Join SQL: Learn all about this SQL command
SQL makes relational database management easy, thanks to joins that link two or more tables by means of common columns. The LEFT JOIN (or LEFT OUTER JOIN) command takes things a step further… SQL is a query language that is inherently associated with relational databases. The reason it’s so popular is that its syntax is […]
Exploring Information Systems (IS): Definition and Components
The information system (IS) is a set of interconnected components, technologies and players used to manage data and information within an organization. Its role is to collect, store, process and distribute information to the places where it is needed to make informed decisions. Discover how the information system works, the foundations of an efficient information […]
Data Protection Officer (DPO): Between Data Management and Legal Compliance
In the list of new professions that have emerged with the emergence of data, we were familiar with the Data Scientist and Data Engineer duo or the unchanging Data Analyst. But for some time now, particularly with the implementation of the GDPR in May 2018, it has become essential to coordinate a company’s actions in […]
Ethics and Big Data: Complexities in Data-Driven Decision Making
How can ethics and Big Data be brought together? According to McKinsey Global Institute, the global volume of data doubles every three years. This exponential increase is mainly due to the rise of digital platforms, wireless sensors, virtual reality applications and billions of smartphones in circulation. However, in such a flood of data, respect for […]
NGINX: Everything you need to know about this open source web server
NGINX (pronounced “engine-x”) is an open source web server that has gained popularity for its speed, flexibility and reliability. Since its creation in 2004, NGINX has become a popular choice among web developers and system administrators. NGINX history NGINX was first conceived in 2002 by a Russian engineer named Igor Sysoev, with the main aim […]
OpenSSL: Role and functions of this library
Initially developed in 1998, this library has since undergone constant evolution and regular updates. OpenSSL is written in C and is available on various platforms, including Linux, MacOS and Windows. Its main objective is to provide robust cryptographic tools and functionalities to secure data and communications. It also offers an API enabling developers to easily […]
Cisco DevOps Training: Comprehensive Content and Essential Skills Development
As a leader in wireless communications, Cisco is present in thousands of companies worldwide. Business experts with a perfect command of Cisco tools therefore enjoy an undeniable advantage on the job market. This is precisely why Cisco offers its Cisco DevOps Training. Why take a Cisco DevOps training? Originally, DevOps was more a philosophy that […]
Decoding Data Build Tool: Functionality and Applications Unveiled
If data is to enable organizations to make informed decisions, the information must be reliable. The transformation phase is therefore a key challenge for companies. They need to prepare and cleanse the available data to improve its quality. But as data volumes continue to grow, this task is becoming increasingly difficult (not least because of […]
Fivetran: Simple, automated management of data pipelines
Today, companies produce exponential quantities of data from a variety of sources. Managing these information flows has therefore become a priority to ensure increased competitiveness. Fivetran offers a solution that automates the transfer of data to a cloud storage site. Find out more about the features of this SaaS tool and how to simplify data […]
Understanding Correlation Coefficient: Definition and Applications
To better understand data, it’s essential to analyze its relationships. And to facilitate this analysis when faced with tens of thousands of lines of data, there are mathematical formulas. In particular, the correlation coefficient. What is the correlation coefficient? Relationship and dependence between two variables Before we can understand the correlation coefficient, we need to […]