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Deep learning for
Natural Language Processing

Bootcamp (15 semaines)
September 12, 2023

Natural Language Processing​

You will learn all the secrets of Natural Language Processing as well as all the techniques used for this discipline of artificial intelligence and improve your skills in this constantly evolving field.

Text Mining

  • Fundamentals
  • POS Tagging
  • Text Summarization

Word Embedding

  • Fundamentals
  • Text Similarity

Recurrent Neural Networks

  • Extended recurrent neural networks with TensorFlow


  • Fundamentals of Transformers on TensorFlow

Training objectives


Master the techniques of manipulation and preprocessing of textual data.

To add

Attention mechanisms in recurrent neural networks.

To build

And train a generative model (translation, image caption, etc.)

To implement

Train or load a Transformer model.

You have questions ? We have the answers.

One of the areas of data science that has grown exponentially in recent years is natural language processing, or NLP.

NLP is a discipline that combines artificial intelligence and human language. It allows machines to understand, manipulate and generate natural language. Thus, it is this Deep Learning technique which allows the existence of Siri or Alexa but also which is at the origin of the automatic correction and the translation of texts! 

Today, more and more companies are using NLP to automate or create new language processing technologies, in all fields, whether in banking, insurance or luxury retail.

Today, companies are developing more and more artificial intelligence and more precisely different techniques of this discipline such as Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing.

Training in Natural Language Processing means perfecting your skills in the field of AI and therefore Deep Learning and thus knowing more techniques, such as language processing, that can be used within companies. 

Moreover, according to a recent survey by Deloitte, 96% of employees believe that AI will radically change their organization in less than 5 years [ source ]. In addition, investments in AI are around 17 billion dollars in 2020, and should double in the next 2 years. [ source ]

In view of these figures, companies need highly qualified people on Deep Learning topics in addition to traditional Data Scientists. This is why we launched the Expert in Deep Learning course, bearing in mind that this sector is prone to change and progress constantly.

The curriculum works with blocks separated into different modules that will help you master the skills needed to work as an expert in Deep Learning.

After several different studies that we have carried out with our different communities, our experts have built a path that exactly meets the objectives of recruiters.

During the training, our two courses (NLP and Computer Vision) have a total of 100 hours separated into two parts. 85% of the work will be done via an online personalized coaching platform (asynchronous). The remaining 15% will be masterclasses with conferences led by our teaching team.

In addition, during the course, you will have a project on which you will work to validate the skills you have acquired which will allow you to be fully operational at the end of the training.

The degree course is available as a continuous course requiring 10 hours of work per week. Make an appointment to find out more. 

Obviously ! And who better to provide support than our teachers, who also designed the program. They are available and attentive to any questions, whether theoretical or practical. 

They also follow the progress of learners closely so that everyone is neither neglected nor demotivated. Each disconnection of a certain duration will be communicated to your cohort manager who will then hear from you so as not to leave you in difficulty! 

Finally, our qualified teachers are responsible for correcting the exams and defenses by hand, so that each of our learners progresses effectively. 

DataScientest is convinced that quality learning requires personalized follow-up!

To discover the Bootcamp course seen by a learner, discover this article . 

During the training, you will use the tools you have learned to put into practice during the realization of a project. The Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing blocks both have their own dedicated projects. 

Your cohort leader will present you with a list of subjects, and you can position yourself on the one that meets your desires and interests.

You will start from scratch without clean databases and pre-trained models. With our teachers, you will progress step by step on this project during the entire course.

This is one of the most important parts of the course, and you will be accompanied by a project manager to ensure that progress is smooth.

This will give you operational experience which is one of the most sought after parts of a Deep Learning expert.

In data, each profession will have its specificities. One thing is common to all, it is the need to exchange and communicate on the use of data. Your work is part of an orderly process based on a common data culture and efficient information transfer.

This is why we offer workshops allowing you to develop your soft-skills. Among these you will find in particular:

  • Data classes around project management or management tools that are now part of the syllabus 
  • For those who wish, you will have the opportunity to participate in CV workshops and career coaching with career managers. 
French leader in Data Science training, DataScientest enjoys a great reputation among companies who entrust it with the data science training of their teams. This confidence has forged the recognition of his diplomas.

Jobs in artificial intelligence, and more specifically experts in Deep Learning, are jobs sought after by recruiters. There is currently a strong need for qualified experts. Large companies are increasingly aware of the importance of these experts to ensure that data is handled correctly.

Today, every industry is vying for the best deep learning talent. Artificial intelligence applications are used in all areas, from education to health, even industry or IT. The uses are varied, image and speech recognition, risk management, fraud prevention, customer knowledge, etc. 

As the Deep Learning expert program is recent, we do not have exact figures concerning professional integration. On the other hand, the training should follow the same trend as our other training (if you want to know more, click here ) and therefore have an average return to employment of 85%.

Le Deep Learning n’est pas un outil facile à maîtriser. Pour postuler à cette formation, deux possibilités existent. Soit vous avez suivi notre formation Data Scientist (ça vous intéresse ? cliquez ici), soit vous avez acquis des compétences en programmation sur Python et en Machine Learning grâce à d’autres expériences académiques et professionnelles.

Cela signifie que vous devez être Data Scientist et surtout que vous maîtrisez parfaitement Python. Par ailleurs, c’est un plus si vous connaissez et comprenez la plupart des bibliothèques de Machine Learning et avez un minimum de connaissances de base en Deep Learning.

Si vous pensez avoir besoin d’une remise à niveau ou que vous ne maîtrisez pas tous les pré-requis nécessaires, pas de panique notre tronc commun a été pensé pour cela ! En effet, en amont de la formation vous aurez l’opportunité de suivre le tronc commun qui vous offrira toutes les bases nécessaires pour suivre notre formation en Deep Learning.

Vous pensez avoir les prérequis nécessaires et vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur la formation ? Discutez avec l’un de nos conseillers

La première étape serait de prendre rendez-vous avec nos conseillers. Attentifs et très à l’écoute, ils répondront à toutes vos demandes et interrogations.

Vous pouvez programmer un appel avec l’un des membres de l’équipe ici.

L’équipe discutera avec vous de votre projet de formation ainsi que de votre motivation et trouvera une opération financière viable.

Vous passerez ensuite un test d’admission qui nous permettra de vérifier que vous avez les prérequis pour suivre le parcours d’expert en Deep Learning. Le test sera un test technique chronométré comprenant des connaissances techniques et théoriques.

Pendant tout le processus, vous n’êtes en aucun cas engagé financièrement envers DataScientest et vous pouvez à tout moment mettre fin aux démarches.

Une fois ces étapes validées par DataScientest, vous pourrez intégrer la prochaine cohorte.

DataScientest est le seul organisme à offrir une formation à distance qui soit également hybride, c’est-à-dire à la fois en avec des temps synchrones et asynchrones. Cela se traduit par 85% d’apprentissage sur la plateforme coachée et 15% de séance en visioconférence, dans le but d’allier flexibilité et rigueur.

C’est un choix mûrement réfléchi qui motive notre pédagogie pour permettre de mener l’apprentissage à son aboutissement avec motivation. Nous avons d’ailleurs détaillé les avantages de cette combinaison unique dans un article sur le sujet .

Pour comprendre notre mode d’apprentissage en 2 min découvrez cette vidéo ici

En fonction des modules que vous choisissez, vous augmenterez vos compétences en Natural Language Processing et/ou en Computer Vision. Ces compétences sont essentielles pour la R&D en intelligence artificielle, et sont les plus recherchées sur le marché. Cela signifie que vous pouvez travailler dans les domaines de la R&D en IA, du Deep Learning et plus généralement en tant que Data Scientist expérimenté.

N’hésitez pas à nous contacter ici pour plus d’informations et plus de détails sur les carrières que vous pourriez entreprendre après cette formation. 

Beta tests are available for our alumni in order to gain knowledge in Data Science even after the end of the training. 

In parallel, newsletters drawn up by our data scientists are regularly sent and are a reliable source of specialized information in data science. 

Finally, the DataScientest community continues to grow, and with it all of its alumni. 

To keep in touch and allow former students to communicate with each other, DataScientest has set up a group of alumni on LinkedIn who share and discuss various themes around Data Science.

The DatAlumni community is a LinkedIn community that brings together DataScientest alumni. On this page, questions, tips and technology news are shared for everyone’s benefit. 

In addition to this, DataScientest will launch in the coming weeks a trombinoscope that will connect alumni, it will include the company and the position of each.

Initially, DataScientest supported the data transition of companies. This has made it possible to create strong links between the major groups which have ensured the growth of our structure.

Subsequently, they are the ones who motivated the launch of our offer to individuals in order to compensate for the lack of competent profiles. This need for good profiles is reflected in the survey we conducted with 30 of the 40 CAC 40 groups. Even with severe budgetary constraints, only 4% believe that they would reduce their data scientist workforce: by comparison 28% would still seek to increase their number by more than 20%…

On the strength of our past with large companies, we then signed partnerships linked to the hiring of our alumni. All the partner companies undertake to include all our students at the end of their training in their recruitment process: this, coupled with help with CVs and interviews, means that you will be in pole position to land the job of your dreams!

Not only can we help you, but we are also in an ideal position to do so and make your professional integration a success.

During your training, career workshops are organized every month to help you write a good data-oriented CV and practice the data science recruitment tests. You can also benefit from personalized advice from our careers team.

Depending on the sector to which you wish to orient yourself, our team will be able to advise and guide you thanks to its collaboration with many companies.

To discover the list of our partner companies, click here


One of the areas of data science that has grown exponentially in recent years is natural language processing, or NLP.

NLP is a discipline that combines artificial intelligence and human language. It allows machines to understand, manipulate and generate natural language. Thus, it is this Deep Learning technique which allows the existence of Siri or Alexa but also which is at the origin of the automatic correction and the translation of texts! 

Today, more and more companies are using NLP to automate or create new language processing technologies, in all fields, whether in banking, insurance or luxury retail.

Today, companies are developing more and more artificial intelligence and more precisely different techniques of this discipline such as Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing.

Training in Natural Language Processing means perfecting your skills in the field of AI and therefore Deep Learning and thus knowing more techniques, such as language processing, that can be used within companies. 

Moreover, according to a recent survey by Deloitte, 96% of employees believe that AI will radically change their organization in less than 5 years [ source ]. In addition, investments in AI are around 17 billion dollars in 2020, and should double in the next 2 years. [ source ]

In view of these figures, companies need highly qualified people on Deep Learning topics in addition to traditional Data Scientists. This is why we launched the Expert in Deep Learning course, bearing in mind that this sector is prone to change and progress constantly.

The curriculum

The curriculum works with blocks separated into different modules that will help you master the skills needed to work as an expert in Deep Learning.

After several different studies that we have carried out with our different communities, our experts have built a path that exactly meets the objectives of recruiters.

During the training, our two courses (NLP and Computer Vision) have a total of 100 hours separated into two parts. 85% of the work will be done via an online personalized coaching platform (asynchronous). The remaining 15% will be masterclasses with conferences led by our teaching team.

In addition, during the course, you will have a project on which you will work to validate the skills you have acquired which will allow you to be fully operational at the end of the training.

The degree course is available as a continuous course requiring 10 hours of work per week. Make an appointment to find out more. 

Obviously ! And who better to provide support than our teachers, who also designed the program. They are available and attentive to any questions, whether theoretical or practical. 

They also follow the progress of learners closely so that everyone is neither neglected nor demotivated. Each disconnection of a certain duration will be communicated to your cohort manager who will then hear from you so as not to leave you in difficulty! 

Finally, our qualified teachers are responsible for correcting the exams and defenses by hand, so that each of our learners progresses effectively. 

DataScientest is convinced that quality learning requires personalized follow-up!

To discover the Bootcamp course seen by a learner, discover this article . 

During the training, you will use the tools you have learned to put into practice during the realization of a project. The Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing blocks both have their own dedicated projects. 

Your cohort leader will present you with a list of subjects, and you can position yourself on the one that meets your desires and interests.

You will start from scratch without clean databases and pre-trained models. With our teachers, you will progress step by step on this project during the entire course.

This is one of the most important parts of the course, and you will be accompanied by a project manager to ensure that progress is smooth.

This will give you operational experience which is one of the most sought after parts of a Deep Learning expert.

In data, each profession will have its specificities. One thing is common to all, it is the need to exchange and communicate on the use of data. Your work is part of an orderly process based on a common data culture and efficient information transfer.

This is why we offer workshops allowing you to develop your soft-skills. Among these you will find in particular:

  • Data classes around project management or management tools that are now part of the syllabus 
  • For those who wish, you will have the opportunity to participate in CV workshops and career coaching with career managers. 
French leader in Data Science training, DataScientest enjoys a great reputation among companies who entrust it with the data science training of their teams. This confidence has forged the recognition of his diplomas.

Jobs in artificial intelligence, and more specifically experts in Deep Learning, are jobs sought after by recruiters. There is currently a strong need for qualified experts. Large companies are increasingly aware of the importance of these experts to ensure that data is handled correctly.

Today, every industry is vying for the best deep learning talent. Artificial intelligence applications are used in all areas, from education to health, even industry or IT. The uses are varied, image and speech recognition, risk management, fraud prevention, customer knowledge, etc. 

As the Deep Learning expert program is recent, we do not have exact figures concerning professional integration. On the other hand, the training should follow the same trend as our other training (if you want to know more, click here ) and therefore have an average return to employment of 85%.

The career

Le Deep Learning n’est pas un outil facile à maîtriser. Pour postuler à cette formation, deux possibilités existent. Soit vous avez suivi notre formation Data Scientist (ça vous intéresse ? cliquez ici), soit vous avez acquis des compétences en programmation sur Python et en Machine Learning grâce à d’autres expériences académiques et professionnelles.

Cela signifie que vous devez être Data Scientist et surtout que vous maîtrisez parfaitement Python. Par ailleurs, c’est un plus si vous connaissez et comprenez la plupart des bibliothèques de Machine Learning et avez un minimum de connaissances de base en Deep Learning.

Si vous pensez avoir besoin d’une remise à niveau ou que vous ne maîtrisez pas tous les pré-requis nécessaires, pas de panique notre tronc commun a été pensé pour cela ! En effet, en amont de la formation vous aurez l’opportunité de suivre le tronc commun qui vous offrira toutes les bases nécessaires pour suivre notre formation en Deep Learning.

Vous pensez avoir les prérequis nécessaires et vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur la formation ? Discutez avec l’un de nos conseillers

La première étape serait de prendre rendez-vous avec nos conseillers. Attentifs et très à l’écoute, ils répondront à toutes vos demandes et interrogations.

Vous pouvez programmer un appel avec l’un des membres de l’équipe ici.

L’équipe discutera avec vous de votre projet de formation ainsi que de votre motivation et trouvera une opération financière viable.

Vous passerez ensuite un test d’admission qui nous permettra de vérifier que vous avez les prérequis pour suivre le parcours d’expert en Deep Learning. Le test sera un test technique chronométré comprenant des connaissances techniques et théoriques.

Pendant tout le processus, vous n’êtes en aucun cas engagé financièrement envers DataScientest et vous pouvez à tout moment mettre fin aux démarches.

Une fois ces étapes validées par DataScientest, vous pourrez intégrer la prochaine cohorte.

DataScientest est le seul organisme à offrir une formation à distance qui soit également hybride, c’est-à-dire à la fois en avec des temps synchrones et asynchrones. Cela se traduit par 85% d’apprentissage sur la plateforme coachée et 15% de séance en visioconférence, dans le but d’allier flexibilité et rigueur.

C’est un choix mûrement réfléchi qui motive notre pédagogie pour permettre de mener l’apprentissage à son aboutissement avec motivation. Nous avons d’ailleurs détaillé les avantages de cette combinaison unique dans un article sur le sujet .

Pour comprendre notre mode d’apprentissage en 2 min découvrez cette vidéo ici

En fonction des modules que vous choisissez, vous augmenterez vos compétences en Natural Language Processing et/ou en Computer Vision. Ces compétences sont essentielles pour la R&D en intelligence artificielle, et sont les plus recherchées sur le marché. Cela signifie que vous pouvez travailler dans les domaines de la R&D en IA, du Deep Learning et plus généralement en tant que Data Scientist expérimenté.

N’hésitez pas à nous contacter ici pour plus d’informations et plus de détails sur les carrières que vous pourriez entreprendre après cette formation. 

Our services

Beta tests are available for our alumni in order to gain knowledge in Data Science even after the end of the training. 

In parallel, newsletters drawn up by our data scientists are regularly sent and are a reliable source of specialized information in data science. 

Finally, the DataScientest community continues to grow, and with it all of its alumni. 

To keep in touch and allow former students to communicate with each other, DataScientest has set up a group of alumni on LinkedIn who share and discuss various themes around Data Science.

The DatAlumni community is a LinkedIn community that brings together DataScientest alumni. On this page, questions, tips and technology news are shared for everyone’s benefit. 

In addition to this, DataScientest will launch in the coming weeks a trombinoscope that will connect alumni, it will include the company and the position of each.

Initially, DataScientest supported the data transition of companies. This has made it possible to create strong links between the major groups which have ensured the growth of our structure.

Subsequently, they are the ones who motivated the launch of our offer to individuals in order to compensate for the lack of competent profiles. This need for good profiles is reflected in the survey we conducted with 30 of the 40 CAC 40 groups. Even with severe budgetary constraints, only 4% believe that they would reduce their data scientist workforce: by comparison 28% would still seek to increase their number by more than 20%…

On the strength of our past with large companies, we then signed partnerships linked to the hiring of our alumni. All the partner companies undertake to include all our students at the end of their training in their recruitment process: this, coupled with help with CVs and interviews, means that you will be in pole position to land the job of your dreams!

Not only can we help you, but we are also in an ideal position to do so and make your professional integration a success.

During your training, career workshops are organized every month to help you write a good data-oriented CV and practice the data science recruitment tests. You can also benefit from personalized advice from our careers team.

Depending on the sector to which you wish to orient yourself, our team will be able to advise and guide you thanks to its collaboration with many companies.

To discover the list of our partner companies, click here

Are you interested?

Join us for our next Special Open House
on October 23rd 2024 at 12:30 pm