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Effective In-House Training Strategies for Your Tech Team

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In-House Tech Training

According to a report, more and more technology companies are not hesitating to train their employees if they are unable to recruit or retain qualified profiles.

Investing in the development and training of existing employees is now “the only option” for companies to counter the growing shortage of talent in the digital sector. So says The Global Impact Report compiled by training organization Udemy and Ipsos.

A skills drain that slows down projects and distracts from objectives

Based on interviews with over 2,000 managers and 4,000 employees, the report reveals that employers in tech companies are struggling to retain their skilled profiles. Managers claim that this very frequently causes delays in ongoing projects, and distances companies from their innovation objectives. This trend is particularly true in France, where 63% of managers say that the lack of qualified staff has a major or moderate impact on their business.

Difficulties in finding suitable profiles

According to the report, while candidates do apply for jobs advertised by companies, they have difficulty in finding the right profiles. There is also great diversity in the skills required by recruiters, depending on the geographic location of the company. In France, as in Germany, companies focus on innovation, while American employers emphasize agility and adaptability.

In-house training popular with employees, especially young people

Across all the countries surveyed, the majority of employees aged between 18 and 49 feel that their employers should invest more in their professional future.

Fewer than half of them are satisfied with the in-house training currently on offer, and a large proportion would like to have access to training leading to higher qualifications. This is particularly the case among young people in France, where 50% of those aged 18 to 29 have such expectations, according to the report.

Quality training must reflect the needs of the world of work

However, the report states that companies and employees agree on one point: quality training must go beyond multiple-choice questionnaires and guides offering ready-made solutions that are discovered step by step.

According to them, the content of a training course must reflect the real needs of a working environment and prepare the learner to apply his or her new knowledge to the real world. Businesses and employees also affirm that the acquisition of technical skills is a key area for improvement in existing training courses. Interactivity and feedback on completed exercises are also mentioned as important factors in training quality.


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