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Azure DevOps Pipeline YAML: why configure CI/CD pipelines with YAML?

Azure DevOps Pipeline YAML

YAML language allows configuring CI/CD pipelines on Microsoft Azure DevOps in the form of code. Discover why and how to choose this approach, and what its advantages are compared to the classic editor! By adding pipelines to its Azure DevOps cloud services, Microsoft has enabled the integration of CI/CD (Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery) practices […]

Azure DevOps vs GitHub Actions: Which is the best CI/CD tool?

Azure DevOps vs GitHub Actions: which is the best CI/CD tool?

Azure DevOps and GitHub are two DevOps platforms owned by Microsoft! They have a number of similarities and share common functionalities, notably for CI/CD with Azure Pipelines and GitHub Actions. However, these two services are far from interchangeable. Find out how they differ, and which one is the best! By bringing together the strengths of […]

Blue Green DevOps: A Vital Approach for Software Development

blue green devops

With the growth of the DevOps culture, new concepts are emerging. One such concept is Blue/Green deployment, which is closely linked to this work philosophy. So, what exactly is Blue/Green DevOps? What are the benefits and challenges? How can this pattern be effectively utilized? Find all the answers right here. What is Blue Green DevOps? […]