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Power Query Date function: How do I use it?

Power Query date function: How do I use it?

There are various functions and formulas for using today’s date in Power Query, for analysing data in Power BI or Microsoft Excel. Find out everything you need to know about the Power Query Date function. In the field of analysis, the date is an important piece of information. It contextualises the data in terms of […]

ChatGPT Code: Transform your codes from one language to another in a matter of seconds

Quickly translate code snippets between programming languages using ChatGPT, enabling seamless transformation from one language to another in seconds.

Despite all the capabilities of the latest generation of artificial intelligence, ChatGPT continues to impress. Capable of creating speeches in a matter of seconds or inventing stories, the chatbot doesn’t stop there. It can now switch from one programming language to another in a matter of seconds using an application. What does this application involve? […]

GPT Mentions: personalised GPTs redefine the codes of conversation!

GPT Mentions: personalised GPTs redefine the codes of conversation!

OpenAI has introduced a feature that allows paying ChatGPT users to add specialist GPTs directly to their conversations. Available from now on, this innovation, called GPT Mentions, makes it easier to access specialised answers by selecting the GPTs of your choice. What does this integration involve? The integration of OpenAI‘s GPT templates into third-party applications […]