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Data Center: What is it? What’s it for?

A data center is a facility used to house computer systems and associated components, such as telecommunications and storage systems. It typically includes redundant or backup power supplies, redundant data communications

The advent of Big Data means exponential growth in the volume of data. And while this information may seem immaterial, it actually takes up a lot of space. To store it, data centers are on the rise. But what exactly are data centers? What is the purpose of a data center? How does it work? […]

XGBoost: The Champion of Competitive Machine Learning

XGBoost, the big competition winner

XGBoost stands for eXtreme Gradient Boosting. As its name suggests, it is a Gradient Boosting algorithm. It is coded in C++ and available in just about every programming language useful in Machine Learning, such as Python, R or Julia. What is Gradient Boosting? Gradient boosting is a special kind of boosting algorithm. Boosting consists of […]

SQL TRIM Function: Streamline Your Data Cleanup Process

Learn how to efficiently remove leading and trailing white spaces from your SQL data using the TRIM function. Discover best practices for enhancing data quality and optimizing database performance.

SQL TRIM is a function dedicated to the management of white spaces within a database. It helps improve data quality and increase operational efficiency. Find out all you need to know! For many applications and systems, databases are indispensable for storing and managing data. This is particularly true in the field of data science. However, […]

Excel Linear regression: Complete guide

Linear regression with Excel: Complete guide

Excel Linear regression is one of the statistical concepts that must be mastered when designing predictive analyses and machine learning models. While this is one of the mathematical basics you need to know, calculating it can be more or less complex. Fortunately, there are various tools available to make your predictions much more reliable. This […]

Google Colab: the power of the cloud for machine learning

Google Colab: the power of the cloud for machine learning

Jupyter Notebook files, with the .ipynb extension, are interactive documents that integrate code, explanatory text and visual elements in a single environment. They allow users to write and execute Python code in stages, making it easier to manipulate datasets and develop machine learning models. Jupyter notebooks are widely used in programming, data science and machine […]

Power BI Filter: Discover DAX data filtering

FILTER on Power BI: discover DAX data filtering

The Power BI Filter function allows you to filter data, so that only the most relevant data is displayed for analysis or visualisation. Find out everything you need to know about this DAX function, and how to take a training course to master Microsoft Power BI. Filtering is an essential technique in data analysis. It […]

Active Directory: What is it? How does it work?

Active Directory: What is it? How does it work?

Active Directory is a directory service created by Microsoft, at the heart of many IT infrastructures. It enables centralised, secure and scalable management of resources and users. Find out why this solution has become essential, and remains so today in the age of the Cloud! Not so long ago, faced with the complexity of IT […]

Citizen Data Scientist: What is it? What are the benefits?

Citizen Data Scientist: What is it? What are the benefits?

The Citizen Data Scientist is a professional who does not specialise in data science, but has sufficient skills to carry out analyses in his or her field. Find out why this versatility has become indispensable in the corporate world! In recent years, the field of data science has undergone a veritable transformation. Gone are the […]

Understanding AI Hallucinations: Causes and Consequences

Understanding AI Hallucinations: Causes and Consequences

They say to err is human! But not only that. Intelligent machines can also make mistakes. This is known as AI hallucination. What are these hallucinations? What are the causes? What are the consequences? And above all, how can AI hallucinations be prevented? DataScientest answers your questions. What is AI Hallucinations? AI hallucinations are incorrect […]

Few-Shot Prompting: Refine your generative AI results

Few-Shot Prompting: Refine your generative AI results

With the democratisation of artificial intelligence tools, users are discovering infinite possibilities. Provided they know how to talk to AI. And to do that, there are several prompt engineering techniques. One of the most popular is Few-Shot Prompting. Find out more about this method. What is Few-Shot Prompting? Few-Shot Prompting is a prompt engineering technique […]

NLU (Natural Language Understanding): What is it?

NLU (Natural Language Understanding): What is it?

First appearing in the 1960s, NLU (or natural language understanding) has evolved significantly. Today, machines are capable of grasping the deep, nuanced meaning of human language. Sometimes even better than human beings themselves. Find out more about NLU technology, its practical applications and how it works. The NLU or understanding natural language Definition of NLU […]

Proof of Concept: What is it? Why is it important?

Proof of Concept: What is it? Why is it important?

Every day, ideas for new software, new products, new web applications… emerge. But how many of these ideas are really viable? A minority. So before developing a project with little chance of success, it’s best to study its feasibility. This is where the Proof of Concept comes in. So what is a Proof of Concept? […]