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Analytics Engineer: roles, skills, salary, and training

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The Analytics Engineer, a hybrid of a Data Analyst and a Data Engineer, has become an indispensable role in contemporary businesses since its inception in 2018. Possessing both technical prowess and business acumen, they are pivotal in harnessing data, especially customer data, to refine business strategies and enhance decision-making processes.

This article delves into the role, responsibilities, competencies, compensation, and path towards this burgeoning career, often incorrectly referred to as Analytic Engineer.

What is an Analytics Engineer?

Emerging in 2018, the Analytics Engineer is at the crossroads of Data Analyst and Data Engineer roles, thereby becoming a vital player in corporate data management.

Experts in data handling, conversion, and analysis, these engineers produce datasets that are accessible to a broad audience, employing best visualization practices such as version control and continuous integration.

Setting themselves apart from traditional data roles, Analytics Engineers collaborate closely with Data Analysts and Data Scientists to concoct analysis solutions that meet business requisites.

Amidst a surge in demand for their superior abilities in code analysis and business decision-making, this position, occasionally misspelled as “Analytic Engineer,” is crucial for the strategic refinement of data. This enables thorough analysis and utilization to tackle intricate issues and to forge predictive models.

What are the missions of an Analytics Engineer?

Contrary to a Data Analyst, who primarily concentrates on data examination, an Analytics Engineer’s duties revolve around data modeling, thereby easing access for end-users. This methodology allows users to independently address most data-related queries. Hence, a seasoned Analytics Engineer navigates through data transformation, testing, deployment, and documentation.

Below is a more elaborate enumeration of an Analytics Engineer’s tasks:

  • Data modeling and transformation: They are tasked with organizing, purifying, and readying data for evaluation to guarantee its integrity and trustworthiness.
  • Integration of data and pipeline development: They engineer pipelines to fetch, modify, and load superior quality data, catering to business necessities.
  • Validation and data assessment: Engineers perform unit, integration, and efficiency tests to ascertain the dependability of data conduits, instituting validation techniques to affirm data credibility.
  • Interaction with stakeholders: To deliver pertinent and executable datasets, they closely engage with users and other stakeholders.
  • Data documentation: Tasked with chronicling data processes, Analytics Engineers ensure the transparency and reproducibility of data conversions and workflows.
  • Implementation of supreme software engineering techniques: They employ methods such as modularity, code reuse, and version tracking, to fortify the efficiency and modernity of analysis solutions.
  • Continuous enhancement: Devoted to perpetual improvement, Analytics Engineers remain updated on the latest technological advancements and market tendencies.

What are the skills of an Analytics Engineer?

To adeptly execute their role, Analytics Engineers must possess essential skills in programming, analysis, visualization, and interpersonal interaction.

Outlined below is a comprehensive list of the competencies requisite for becoming a distinguished Analytics Engineer:

  • Background in the data realm: Fundamental for analytics engineers is experience in data-oriented environments. Those aspiring to be Analytics Engineers predominantly come from Data Analyst or Data Engineer backgrounds, aiming to specialize in data modeling.
  • Proficient SQL abilities: Mastery over SQL is vital for an Analytics Engineer since the majority of their duties involve data querying, manipulation, and alteration within databases. SQL is indispensable for extracting precise information, thus setting the stage for further analysis.
  • Programming expertise: Beyond SQL, adeptness in programming languages like R and Python is critical. These languages are crucial for data visualization, as well as for crafting predictive models and machine learning algorithms.
  • Proficiency in DBT technology: Dbt (Data Build Tool) is a transformation tool that simplifies the execution of analytical code through SQL. It empowers Analytics Engineers to effectively construct and oversee data pipelines.
  • Software Engineering knowledge: It’s pivotal for an analytics engineer to understand and implement software engineering best practices, including modularity, code reusability, documentation, unit testing, and version control. Embracing these methodologies not only bolsters code durability but also fosters more effective data pipelines. Moreover, it eases change management and augments collaboration within the development team.
  • Acquaintance with BI and data engineering tools: For an analytics engineer, proficiency with data engineering and Business Intelligence (BI) tools is essential. This encompasses familiarity with data warehouses like Snowflake, Amazon Redshift, and Google BigQuery, ETL tools like AWS Glue and Talend, and BI platforms like Tableau and Looker. Practical experience with these technologies not only broadens their versatility but also facilitates quick adaptation to the enterprise ecosystem.

What is the salary of an Analytics Engineer?

In France, the compensation of an Analytics Engineer is swayed by various pivotal factors including experience, expertise level, and geographical location. As per Talent.com, the median annual salary for this role hovers around €54,000. Nonetheless, this figure can fluctuate appreciably with experience: entry-level professionals may commence at approximately €43,625 yearly, whereas those more seasoned can attain or surpass €78,000 annually.

The wage for Analytics Engineering skills, subject to market demand flux, considerably influences earnings. Moreover, geographical positioning plays a pivotal role: remuneration tends to be more lucrative in major cities and technologically advanced regions. Accumulating experience, advancing skills, and acquiring certifications can likewise elevate the financial prospects of these professionals.

How to become an Analytics Engineer?

To embark on a career as an Analytics Engineer in France, though educational pathways are varied, it’s often observed that professionals possess advanced degrees in mathematics, statistics, or computer science. Esteemed institutions like Université Paris-Saclay, Sorbonne Université, or Polytechnique frequently lay the groundwork for these careers. To specialize further, many pursue a Master’s degree in data science, business analytics, or analogous fields, offered by schools like HEC Paris, Télécom Paris, CentraleSupélec. Besides formal education, the specialized bootcamps from Datascientest in Data Engineering or Data Analysis present a swifter and more adaptable approach for those seeking specialization or a career change.


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