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Datadog: The monitoring solution for DevOps teams

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Datadog: The monitoring solution for DevOps teams

For IT and DevOps teams, Datadog offers a comprehensive monitoring solution. So, what exactly is it? What are the features of Datadog? We answer your questions.

What is Datadog ?

Datadog is a monitoring software that allows you to observe any application at different scales. Thanks to its AI-powered features, this tool helps you better understand the front-end and back-end infrastructure of various services, such as servers, databases, applications, or software. It detects even the slightest anomalies (performance issues, security vulnerabilities, etc.) and sends you notifications via email, Slack, or PagerDuty.

In addition to monitoring, Datadog is also an analytics solution. Through the dashboards available on the interface, you can display real-time graphs using multiple data sources, making it easy to measure the performance of your solution.

Regardless of your company’s needs, Datadog’s monitoring software is available for on-site deployment or as software as a service (SaaS).

💡Good to know: Datadog supports over 500 technologies (such as Microsoft SQL Server, GitHub, Elastic Stack, Terraform, Apache, Kubernetes, Ansible, and more). This provides DevOps, IT experts, and cybersecurity professionals with comprehensive visibility into large-scale dynamic environments.

What are Datadog's features?

Datadog is an incredibly comprehensive monitoring solution. This tool offers numerous features aimed at making it easier to monitor past events on infrastructure and cloud services.


As a monitoring tool, Datadog allows for in-depth analysis of the infrastructure of any service, even the most complex ones. Thanks to tag-based search and analysis, you can dissect infrastructures and improve the level of detail.

In addition to this fine-grained analysis, this monitoring software provides you with tens of thousands of ready-to-use metrics. If a failure is detected in any of them, you can receive alerts to take action as quickly as possible.

Beyond troubleshooting, these metrics also enhance visibility regarding application performance.

The strength of Datadog also lies in its extensive coverage, as it integrates with the most popular technologies. It can, therefore, be deployed anywhere, including on-site, hybrid, IoT, and multi-cloud environments.


To facilitate the maintenance of an application, Datadog offers its log management tool. By unifying logs, metrics, and traces in a single view, it simplifies the analysis of log files. You can search, filter, and analyze logs without any complex query language.

In addition to analyzing past activities, Log Patterns allows you to explore your application (or any other IT tool) to identify activity trends.

Summarized log data is then translated into interactive dashboards to improve visibility of past events and trends.

All of these options enable you to:

  • Resolve potential issues
  • Improve application performance
  • Identify security threats


APM (Application Performance Monitoring) is one of the key strengths of Datadog, positioning itself as a leader according to the Gartner Magic Quadrant. This tool allows you to quickly diagnose potential issues to maintain optimal service levels.

At Datadog, application performance management is ensured through various features:

  • Distributed tracing: Datadog provides end-to-end distributed tracing for all types of services (browsers, mobile applications, databases, and even individual lines of code). This allows for monitoring dependencies and health metrics.
  • Continuous profiler: This feature aims to optimize code performance at different scales.
  • Database monitoring: Through this in-depth analysis of your database, you can quickly identify costly and slow queries.
  • CI visibility: With this tool, you gain deep visibility into the performance of your CI environment, streamlining CI/CD workflows.
  • Service catalog: This catalog provides you with all the necessary knowledge about microservice ownership, dependencies, critical resources, and real-time performance.
  • Universal service monitoring: USM allows you to discover, map, and monitor each service or dependency without changing a single line of code.


Datadog ensures the security of your services through real-time threat detection and continuous configuration audits across your entire cloud infrastructure. To promote collaboration between security teams and DevOps, all information is consolidated within a unified platform.

This allows teams to address issues more quickly while enabling DevOps to make progress on their projects.

Other features

In addition to these numerous tools, Datadog offers IT and DevOps teams other particularly useful features. Here are the main ones:

  • Digital experience: Thanks to Real User Monitoring (RUM), Datadog allows DevOps to have an overview of the application from the perspective of end users. This enables them to conduct synthetic tests to continually improve application performance and resolve any issues.
  • Coscreen: Perfectly integrated into the DevOps culture, Datadog aims to promote collaboration between teams to enhance service. For this purpose, the tool provides interactive screen sharing designed specifically for engineers.
  • Incident management: Users can detect, sort, and resolve incidents directly within the application, thereby improving response time.

Things to remember :

  • Datadog is designed for all IT and DevOps experts. This tool allows you to analyze the infrastructure of any service in-depth to identify vulnerabilities and improve performance.

  • With its analytics, alerts, and numerous metrics, Datadog enables rapid response to any infrastructure-related issues.

  • Datadog seamlessly integrates into the DevOps environment due to its various features that promote collaboration.


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