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Internet searches will change forever with Google’s “Magi”

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First Microsoft and now Google, the GAFAMs are pushing to integrate generative AI into search engines. For the search engine leader, it is only a matter of time with the presentation of the "Magi" project.

What is the Magi project?

With this new project, Google is asserting itself in a fantasy fashion between its intelligent chatbot Bard and its new magic project, Magi. To do this, Google is working on several artificial intelligences of generation referring to “GIFI”, an image generator and “Searchlong”, a chatbot integrated in Google Search. For example, Searchlong would allow the search tab to answer questions about Python, the programming language

160 designers, engineers and managers are currently working on the project. Magi went into testing last week and will be available for a public launch in May. The launch will be in the US for one million users before reaching 30 million by the end of 2023.


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Why develop these generation tools?

With these tools, Google wants to offer a much more personalized experience to its users than with the current service. But this is not Google’s only motivation. In fact, Google wants to assert its position in the market and reassure its partner companies such as Samsung, which is considering replacing Google Search with Microsoft’s Bing on its Android phones and tablets.

The contract with Samsung is currently being negotiated and represents three billion dollars in revenue for Google. Another contract is also up for renewal this year, worth $20 billion, with Apple.

This race for artificial intelligence and its integration continues and despite its delayed departure, Google has not said its last word. Another big competitor has recently entered the fray, namely Amazon and its intelligent cloud and LLM solutions. So if you enjoyed this article and are considering a career in data science, check out our articles or training offers on DataScientest.

Source : nytimes.com


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