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Gensim: The Python library for topic modelling


Gensim is an open-source natural language processing (NLP) library in Python whose aim is to make topic modeling as accessible and efficient as possible. First, it’s important to understand what topic modeling is. It’s an “unsupervised” Machine Learning technique that automatically analyzes sets of texts to highlight the main topics. How topic modelling works is […]

Oracle: The Challenger Rivaling Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud

Discover the force behind Oracle, emerging as the formidable contender against industry giants Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud. Uncover the innovations reshaping the cloud computing landscape and learn why Oracle is poised to redefine the future of cloud services

If you’re a developer, you may already have heard of Oracle. A specialist in database management, and a major provider of cloud infrastructure, Oracle has been named a leader by the Gartner Magic Quadrant in 2021 for the sixth year running, for the comprehensiveness of its vision, and its new cloud services. Founded in 1978, […]

Blockchain Course: Traps to avoid

Blockchain Course

A Blockchain Course enables you to acquire expertise that is highly sought after in companies across all sectors. Find out everything you need to know about this new technology, and how to become a professional. Blockchain technology is set to revolutionize every industry. According to the World Economic Forum, 18% of global GDP will be […]

Xplenty: The key points of this data integration system


Processing, transforming and integrating Big Data can complicate business. Factors such as scale, complex file formats, connectivity and API access can add to the difficulties. Often, it requires coding and an entire IT team to deploy. But a data integration platform can help you meet these challenges head-on. The key lies in well-designed data flows […]

Power Query VBA: How does it work?

Power Query VBA

Power Query VBA: Both can automate data transformation tasks in Excel and Power BI. Find out all you need to know about creating macros! To import and transform data in Excel and Power BI, the Power Query engine is commonly used. This tool enables data to be manipulated from external sources. However, many users are […]

Power Query Rank: Top tips to use it

Power Query Rank

The Power Query Rank function ranks data by value. Find out all you need to know: how it works, use cases, customization options… In order to analyze the data contained in a table, it is often necessary to identify the highest or lowest values in a column. In Microsoft Excel and Power BI, this is […]

PyGTK: The Python GUI creation tool

Discover the versatility of PyGTK, a powerful Python toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs). Explore the features and ease of use that make PyGTK an essential tool for developers building interactive and visually appealing applications.

PyGTK is a Python module for creating a graphical user interface (GUI) for an application. Find out all you need to know about this tool and its successor PyGObject: how it works, advantages and disadvantages, training… A graphical user interface is essential for a modern application. It allows users to interact with ease. To create […]

Power Query M language: Avoid these mistakes

power query m

The Power Query M language lets you write formulas to automate and customize data transformations in Excel and Power BI. Find out evacerything you need to know! To extract and transform data, users of Microsoft Excel and Power BI can use the Power Query tool directly incorporated into these programs. Using a simple, intuitive query […]