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Sentiment Analysis: Harnessing the Power of Machine Learning

Explore the world of sentiment analysis and machine learning! Discover how advanced algorithms are revolutionizing the way we analyze and understand emotions expressed in text data. Dive into the techniques, applications, and benefits of sentiment analysis in various industries

Sentiment analysis is a technique that has developed strongly in tandem with social networking, where users can express themselves on a massive scale and constantly share their feelings. Sentiment analysis aims to determine the emotional tone of a speech by classifying it in different categories, such as positive, negative or neutral. It is popular with […]

IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service): everything you need to know

IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service): everything you need to know

An IaaS, or Infrastructure as a Service, enables you to operate computing resources remotely via the Cloud. Find out all you need to know about this revolutionary technology, and its usefulness in Data Science. Data Science offers a myriad of opportunities for businesses, not least in understanding trends and making data-driven strategic decisions. However, this […]

Prompt: What is it? How do I use it?

Prompt: What is it? How do I use it?

With the democratisation of the use of AI, new skills are emerging. In particular, the art of mastering prompts. These seemingly simple instructions enable the full potential of artificial intelligence to be exploited. But what are they? How can prompts be used? And above all, how do you write good prompts? That’s what we’re going […]

jQuery: What is it and why use it?

jQuery: What is it and why use it?

Introduction and background jQuery is a fast, lightweight, yet feature-rich Javascript library. It greatly simplifies Javascript programming by providing an easy-to-use interface for many common tasks. With jQuery, developers can achieve more with less code, and make their websites faster and more interactive with ease. The jQuery library was developed in 2006 by John Resig. […]

Introduction to Kubeflow for MLOps
by Tony Ruiz, GCP Customer Engineer at Google

Motivation Machine Learning Development goes beyond developing a model. Productionizing a model quickly becomes a multi-faceted, indeed even a multi-disciplinary process that involves several key stakeholders across both the business and IT. As depicted in the image below, the code to actually develop a model is a small component compared to other complexities such as […]

Cyber attacks: Definition and modus operandi

Cyber attacks refer to malicious actions or activities carried out by individuals, groups, or organizations through the use o

One morning, users turn on their computers and discover that access is blocked… The website is down and no transactions can be recorded. Many companies have experienced this disaster scenario. What are cyber attacks and how can you do your best to avoid them? Ask CEOs in the major democracies: “What is the main threat […]

Stable Diffusion XL: the enhanced version of Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion XL: the enhanced version of Stable Diffusion

With ChatGPT, BARD, PaLM 2… we have easier and easier access to tools based on artificial intelligence. The best known use natural language processing. But they are far from the only ones. And yes, it’s not just written texts or oral discourse that make human communication so special. There are also visuals, such as photos, […]