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jQuery: What is it and why use it?

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jQuery: What is it and why use it?

Introduction and background

jQuery is a fast, lightweight, yet feature-rich Javascript library. It greatly simplifies Javascript programming by providing an easy-to-use interface for many common tasks.

With jQuery, developers can achieve more with less code, and make their websites faster and more interactive with ease.

The jQuery library was developed in 2006 by John Resig. While still a student, he conceived it as a tool to facilitate the exploration of an HTML document through its object representation, overcoming differences in the way browsers interpret Javascript code.

Why use jQuery?

When it comes to choosing a technology for a web development project, many factors come into play. So why do so many developers turn to jQuery? Here are a few key reasons.

Why Use jQuery?
Simplicity One of the main reasons jQuery has gained popularity is its simplicity. It offers a clear and concise syntax that simplifies tasks such as DOM manipulation and event handling, which can be cumbersome in raw JavaScript.
Cross-Platform jQuery is designed to be compatible with a multitude of browsers, including older versions. This means you can write code once and be confident it will work on all supported browsers.
Strong Community and Rich Documentation With millions of developers using jQuery, the community around this library is vast and active. Additionally, jQuery documentation is extremely comprehensive, making learning and troubleshooting easy.
Feature-Rich jQuery contains a plethora of built-in features for common tasks, including DOM manipulation, event handling, animations, and much more.
AJAX Integration jQuery provides an easy-to-use interface for implementing AJAX features, simplifying the process of dynamically updating web content.

Discover jQuery: key features

jQuery offers a myriad of features that make web development easier and faster. These features are designed to help developers achieve more with less code. Let’s take a look at some of the most important.

jQuery: Simplifying Web Development

jQuery: Simplifying Web Development

DOM Manipulation Manipulating the Document Object Model (DOM) is a common task in JavaScript. jQuery provides a simplified interface to accomplish this task. Whether you need to add, remove, or modify HTML elements, jQuery makes these operations easier and more intuitive.
Event Handling jQuery also simplifies event handling in JavaScript. Whether responding to a mouse click, key press, or any other event, jQuery offers a clear and easy-to-use syntax for event management.
Animations and Effects jQuery comes with a plethora of pre-defined visual effects and animations. From simple fades to complex animations, jQuery allows you to make your website more dynamic and interactive.
AJAX AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) technology allows updating a part of a web page without reloading the entire page. jQuery offers a simplified interface for using AJAX, making it easier to create more responsive and dynamic websites.
jQuery Extensions In addition to its core features, jQuery also offers a robust extension system. Developers can use these extensions to add additional features to jQuery, or even create their own.

jQuery versus other libraries

jQuery coexists with other Javascript frameworks, such as React, Angular and Vue.js. These tools have their own strengths, but jQuery stands out for its simplicity and compatibility.

While other frameworks are often better suited to large-scale web applications, jQuery remains an excellent choice for simpler websites and DOM manipulation tasks.


jQuery revolutionized web development and remains a valuable tool for many developers. Its simplicity, compatibility and rich collection of features make it a solid option for many projects. Despite the emergence of new technologies, jQuery has retained its place in the web technology landscape and continues to be a trusted choice for developers worldwide.


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