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How to calculate a percentage in Excel ?

Percentages in Excel are like a compass in a sea of data: they transform figures with no context into a means of comparison and understanding of a specific situation. Percentages offer a straightforward method for illustrating relationships between numbers, useful for tasks like calculating price fluctuations, determining proportions, analyzing financial outcomes, or evaluating performance. This […]

SQL Server Data Tools: What is it? How does it work?

SQL Server Data Tools: What is it? How does it work?

Microsoft SQL Server is one of the most widely used RDBMSs for businesses, with a wide range of applications including transaction processing, business intelligence and business intelligence. But to make full use of this database management system, companies need a high-performance client tool. That’s where SQL Server Data Tools comes in. So what is it […]

Prompt Engineering Certification: why and how to become an expert in generative AI?

Prompt Engineering Certification: why and how to become an expert in generative AI?

A Prompt Engineering certification enables you to acquire and demonstrate professional expertise in the fast-growing field of generative AI. Find out why and how to obtain such a title, and which are the best! Generative AI is not just an evolution, but a revolution in the field of computer science. And why? Because for the […]

Continual Learning: All you need to know

No matter if you want to change your career or just want to give your CV a new eye-catcher, one of the most promising areas for this is certainly the field of data. With a training course from DataScientest, you will be able to do just that. But which of the various financing options is best for your situation?

Continual Learning opens up new perspectives in the age of constantly evolving artificial intelligence. This approach enables models to adapt gradually to new data without losing the knowledge they have already acquired. Flexible and resilient, continuous learning systems evolve harmoniously with changes in the real world. This article explores the key principles of continuous learning, […]

Transformer Neural Network: What is it? How does it work?

Transformer Neural Network: What is it? How does it work?

Artificial intelligence is advancing so rapidly thanks to the development of neural networks. Since 2017, a new architecture model has emerged: Transform Neural Networks (TNNs). Rather than relying on rigid sequential structures, these models favour innovative mechanisms that are revolutionising natural language processing. Find out more about transform neural networks. What is the transform neural […]

Docker Compose: Simplifying Containerized Applications

docker compose

If you’re reading this article, you’re probably familiar with this very popular containerisation tool in the DevOps world: Docker. But what exactly is Docker Compose, then? Docker Compose is used to launch applications that need several containers to run, via a YAML file. It is often necessary for an application to run several containers for […]