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Become Data Analyst : Learn the skills and techniques

devenir data analyst

Among the professions in data science, we can mention the one of Data Analyst . What does a data analyst? How to become a data analyst? Don’t panic, we answer you in this article! What is a Data Analyst? Within Data Science, the profession of Data Analyst is often complementary to the one of Data […]

Technology watch : Definition, challenges, main actors

veille technologique définition

If there is one thing that many sectors of activity share, it is the speed of evolution of the professions. It is becoming essential to keep up with innovations and advances capable of having an impact on the future of the business. This is what we call a “technology watch”. In this article, we come […]

Data Science : Definition, Challenges and Use cases

an illustration of the data science field

Data Science is a broad, multidisciplinary field that aims to make sense of raw data. Data Science: definition, fields of application and current limits, discover everything you need to know about this complex field, which has become a priority issue for companies in all industries. What is Data Science ? ​ The simplest way to […]

What is the best master in data science?

Top masters data

Masters in data science are becoming more and more successful. And with good reason: the increased digitization of data that is difficult to tame and understand. While companies are increasingly looking for profiles capable of decrypting and manipulating their data in order to improve their strategy, students are aware of the added value that the […]

SQL: Learn all about the programming language for databases


SQL is a programming language for manipulating databases. Discover everything you need to know about it: how it works, use cases, learning methods… SQL or “Structured Query Language” is a programming language used to manipulate data and relational database systems.. This language mainly allows communication with databases in order to manage the data they contain. […]