Big Data for Dummies
Big Data refers to resources whose characteristics in terms of volume, velocity and variety require the use of specific technology and analytical methods to generate
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Big Data refers to resources whose characteristics in terms of volume, velocity and variety require the use of specific technology and analytical methods to generate
Definition of Unit Test In computer programming, unit testing is the procedure used to ensure that software or source code (or part of software or
Data Storytelling is the art of conveying information through a story, using data. This branch of business intelligence is becoming increasingly popular, and is being
Distributing a Python application is not a straightforward task in itself, since it requires you to take into account a large number of factors, not
A Data Hoarder stores a lot of superfluous and obsolete electronic data. They can be individuals or organisations. Find out everything you need to know
Today we take a look at Isolation Forest, a Machine Learning algorithm designed to solve binary classification problems such as fraud detection or disease diagnosis.
Data Viz” allows you to represent your raw data in graphical or infographic form to make it easier to understand. With the advent of Big
The origins of Apache Flink Initially developed at the Technical University of Berlin, its first versions were released in 2011 and were designed to address
Bagging Machine Learning: “Together we’re stronger” – bagging could be symbolised by this quote. In fact, this technique is one of the ensemble methods, which
All scientific disciplines are based on mathematics, and data science is no exception. When the problems to be solved are optimization problems, you need to
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in automating IT processes to save time and boost productivity. This is what we call RPA:
The quality of machine learning performance depends largely on the information available. That’s why Data Scientists need to carefully study the datasets they use. To