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GeneratedBy: The platform for testing and sharing AI prompts

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GeneratedBy: The platform for testing and sharing AI prompts

GeneratedBy is an online platform dedicated to creating and sharing prompts for generative AI. Find out all you need to know about this website, its benefits, why use it and how to become a master in the art of prompt engineering!

Generative AIs such as ChatGPT, Google Bard and MidJourney offer fantastic possibilities. In just a few moments, it’s possible to create text, images or even audio with the greatest of ease.

However, to exploit their full potential, you need to know how to communicate and interact with these tools. This is known as prompt engineering.

To give an instruction, ask a question or request generative AI, all you have to do is write a description, a question or any other request: the prompt.

While this may seem easy at first sight, knowing how to write a high-quality prompt requires expertise, know-how and often multiple attempts.

Fortunately, there are already tools available to automate this task, as well as platforms dedicated to experimenting with and sharing prompts. Among the most popular are GeneratedBy.

GeneratedBy = The platform for creating and optimising prompts

The GeneratedBy platform makes it very easy to create, test and share IA prompts. Its various editing and deployment options mean that prompts can be used for any application.

Using the editor, you can optimise your prompts to get the best results. The management functions for the different language models and variables help to increase productivity.

You can also improve your prompts using ChatGPT tools and plugins. This is an ideal platform for multimodal generation, as it supports both text and images.

You don’t need to be an expert at engineering prompts, as this generator assists you and lets you create custom prompts in a matter of seconds.

A library of prompts for inspiration

In addition to its automated prompts generator, GeneratedBy offers a vast collection of prompts that you can use as you wish.

You can also customise them to suit your needs, or analyse them for inspiration to help you develop as a prompts engineer.

You can even find packs of prompts grouped by theme for specific use cases, so you can use them for all your projects!

Themes include architecture, start-up roadmaps, personal branding, twitter threads and art with MidJourney.

Ready-to-use micro-SaaS applications

What’s more, you can easily create web forms or chatbots in the form of micro-SaaS. Applications can also be integrated with API endpoints or webhooks for better connectivity or real-time results.

All users can share their applications in open source. You’ll find, for example, tools for generating the perfect prompt, for reverse prompting text or images, for creating publications on social networks or even for summarising videos using AI!

A dazzling success

Several thousand digital creators are already using GeneratedBy on a daily basis to improve the quality of their AI-generated results and increase their productivity.

Hundreds of prompts have been created using the platform, and several dozen are shared publicly in the library.

The tech industry salutes this website, including the creator of ChatGPT OpenAI, and the French ecosystem La French Tech.

How much does GeneratedBy cost?

After a three-day free trial, GeneratedBy offers three different packages. It’s important to choose carefully according to your needs.

The free, individual version gives you 50 prompts and one application. Each month, you will have access to 50 application requests, 10 perfect prompt requests, 10 reverse prompt requests and 10 image generations.

File size is limited to 1 MB, with a maximum of 5 MB per month. You also get 50K GPT-3.5 tokens per month and 10K GPT-4 tokens.

The most popular offer is the pro package, aimed at freelancers and priced at €19.99 per month. The number of prompts is increased to 250, with a total of 10 applications.

You will be able to make 500 application requests per month and 100 prompt requests. The maximum file size is increased to 5 MB, for a total of 50 MB per month.

This package offers 1 million GPT-3.5 tokens and 500,000 GPT-4 tokens. What’s more, you get access to plugins and APIs.

Finally, the Master Plan package is aimed at start-ups and small teams. For €39.99 per month, it includes 10,000 prompts, 50 applications, 1,500 application requests per month, 10,000 perfect prompt requests, 10,000 reverse prompt requests and 250 image generations.

The number of GPT-3.5 tokens has risen to 2 million, and 1 million GPT-4 tokens. Once again, access to plugins and APIs is included.

Companies can also partner with GeneratedBy to create and launch their own AI-based micro-SaaS.

All you have to do is specify your project and you’ll benefit from product development, branding and a marketing launch.

All paying users benefit from priority support from the customer service department, and privileged access to the various features!

Conclusion: GeneratedBy, an essential platform for Prompt Engineers

By supporting the process of creating prompts and offering the opportunity to share them with a vast community of enthusiasts, GeneratedBy represents an essential asset for Prompt Engineers.

Whether you’re an amateur or a professional, a beginner or a veteran, this platform will help you maximise your productivity. Your prompts will finally reach the level of excellence you’ve been dreaming of!

If you want to become a true expert, turn to DataScientest! Our Prompt Engineering & Generative AI course will enable you to master the art of prompt creation.

Over the course of this two-day course, you’ll learn how to handle a host of AI tools: ChatGPT for generating text, DALL-E and Canva for images, and ElevenLabs for audio.

You’ll also discover the future of video and website-generating AI. By the end of the course, you’ll be able to use this technology to create any type of content!

All our courses can be completed remotely, and are eligible for CPF funding. Don’t waste another second and discover DataScientest!

Now you know all about GeneratedBy. For more information on the same subject, read our article on the Fine Tuning.


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