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Online Data Scientist Training : Advantages and purposes

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An online Data Scientist training course has many strong points. Find out why and how to join such a program with DataScientest…

The Data Scientist business is growing rapidly, and companies in all sectors are looking for such experts. In all industries, these scientists are in high demand to analyze and process vast volumes of data to reveal their full value.

Whether you are a student or a professional in the process of retraining, it is therefore very relevant to start training as a Data Scientist. At the end of such a program, you can easily find a job in the field that interests you and benefit from a high salary.

Many schools and universities now offer training in the Data Scientist profession. However, it is not necessary to go to the faculty benches to learn this profession.

An online Data Scientist training course allows you to acquire the required skills and knowledge while enjoying many advantages…

Why follow an online Data Scientist training course?

An online Data Scientist training course has many strong points. 

You will need to collect and analyze data to solve business problems, better understand consumers’ demands, and create new services and products for success. Acquiring data science skills will open the door to many opportunities as new technologies emerge such as natural language processing, Deep Learning, and Big Data.

You will be able to use these new tools and work in the industry of your choice: finance, marketing, education, healthcare, and many more. All sectors need Data Scientists.

The remuneration is also very attractive. In France, according to a survey with CAC 40 companies, an entry-level Data Scientist earns between €40,000 and €60,000 per year. With a little experience, this salary reaches €50,000 to €65,000 per year.

According to PayScale, the average salary of a Data Scientist in the US is $96,100 per year. 

According to the barometer of the job platform Glassdoor, the average salary of a data scientist in Canada in 2023 is $91,200 per year.

New technologies stimulate innovation in this field. Online training now allows better access to educational content, better student follow-up, and even the possibility of customizing the experience according to the pace and level of each student.

In addition, learners can communicate quickly and in real-time with teachers through online messages. They can also receive more feedback on their progress and performance.

Online Data Scientist training also offers more flexibility, since you can learn at your own pace and reconcile the course with your professional or personal activities. You will also benefit from optimal learning conditions from the comfort of your own home.

How to follow an online Data Scientist training course?

In France, DataScientest is one of the leaders in online Data Scientist training. Our program allows you to acquire solid skills to become a true professional.

Another advantage: at the end of the training, you will receive a diploma certified by the Sorbonne University. This prestigious diploma proves to employers that you are a competent and qualified Data Scientist.

Two approaches are proposed: BootCamp or Continuous

  • The BootCamp mode is intensive training, allowing you to obtain your diploma in 11 weeks at a rate of 35 hours per week.
  • The continuous mode allows you to continue your personal or professional activities in parallel. You will complete the program in 9 months, studying approximately 10 hours per week.

This training gives you a great deal of flexibility since 85% of the time is spent at your own pace. The remaining 15% are masterclasses organized at fixed times, which you will be required to attend.

Now you know why you should join an online Data Scientist course. Don’t wait any longer and register now for our DataScientest training!


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