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What is a root mean square error?


The root mean square error (RMSE) is an indicator for verifying the reliability of a model. This tool studies the discrepancies between the values actually observed and the values predicted by the model. The squared error is a value that is always positive. The closer the values obtained with the model are to the observed […]

DevOps Freelance Hourly Rate: How much can you earn?

DevOps average daily rate: How much does a DevOps consultant cost?

The result of collaboration between the “Development” and “Operations” teams, DevOps takes on a dual role. They are responsible for creating web or software applications, as well as deploying and operating them. If they can’t recruit, some companies choose to call on the services of a DevOps consultant. But what is the DevOps Freelance Hourly […]

Decoding DNS: Exploring the Domain Name System and Its Functions

Learn about the Domain Name System (DNS) and its vital role in translating domain names into IP addresses, facilitating internet communication, and enabling seamless web browsing and network connectivity.

The Domain Name System (DNS) is one of the key elements enabling the Internet to function. Like a virtual telephone directory, it converts domain names into IP addresses to enable Internet users to access sites. Find out everything you need to know about this system and its importance in Data Science! In the early days […]

Digitising variables for your Machine Learning algorithms

Digitising variables for your Machine Learning algorithms

That’s it! The dataset has been cleaned! No more missing values, the modelling choices have been made! We’ve kept some variables and deleted others. Now we need to carry out the final step before running the Machine Learning algorithms: adapting the variables to the algorithm. Most Machine Learning algorithms do not allow the use of […]

ReCALL: Understanding its Role and Significance in Artificial Intelligence

ReCALL: Understanding its Role and Significance in Artificial Intelligence

ReCall is a Machine Learning approach designed to maximize a model’s sensitivity, even at the expense of its specificity. The aim? To avoid any risk of false negatives when making a prediction. Find out all you need to know about this technique! In recent years, Machine Learning has established itself as one of the major […]

How do you successfully become a Data Engineer?

Successfully transitioning to a career as a Data Engineer involves a combination of acquiring the necessary skills, gaining relevant experience, and effectively positioning yourself in the job market. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you make the transition:

Are you looking to move into a career with a bright future? Have you thought about the data professions? Discover the keys to a successful transition to Data Engineer, a promising career in high demand. Learn the essential steps for a successful transition to Data Engineer. And yes, even though more and more solutions are […]

Power BI Service: Everything you need to know about the Cloud version of Power BI

Power BI Service: everything you need to know about the Cloud version of Power BI

Power BI Service is the Cloud version of Microsoft’s Business Intelligence platform. Find out everything you need to know about this tool, and how to learn to use it, with DataScientest training courses. To make the most of the data collected and generated by digital technology, it is necessary to analyze it and share the […]

Demystifying SQL Index: Understanding its Purpose and Functionality


An SQL index enables you to quickly locate the data you’re looking for in a relational database. Find out all you need to know about this valuable tool, and why it’s so useful in Data Science! Efficient access to information is a priority in Data Science. That’s why professionals use databases to manage, store and […]

Microsoft Fabric: Everything you need to know about this cloud platform


Microsoft Fabric is an all-in-one Data Science solution in the form of a SaaS cloud service, bringing together OneLake and numerous data storage, engineering and analysis tools. Find out all you need to know about this platform that simplifies the life of Data Scientists, and how to master it! With the rise of AI and […]

Prompt Framework: Definition and examples

Prompt Framework: Definition and examples

Writing content for social networks, preparing emails, generating code, …. tools based on artificial intelligence are gradually becoming personal assistants. They are helping professionals and private individuals alike to save time on everyday tasks. Provided, of course, that you know how to use them. That’s where prompt frameworks come in. The Prompt Framework, a structured […]

Cybersecurity analyst: Tasks, skills, training

Cybersecurity analyst: Tasks, skills, training

Cybercrime is a scourge that affects all modern businesses. To guard against it, more and more organisations are calling on the services of experts such as cyber analysts. So what is the role of the SOC analyst? What are their missions? Their skills? How much do they earn? And above all, what training is needed […]