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Power BI Service: Everything you need to know about the Cloud version of Power BI

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Power BI Service: everything you need to know about the Cloud version of Power BI

Power BI Service is the Cloud version of Microsoft’s Business Intelligence platform. Find out everything you need to know about this tool, and how to learn to use it, with DataScientest training courses.

To make the most of the data collected and generated by digital technology, it is necessary to analyze it and share the findings in the form of visualizations: this is Business Intelligence.

To simplify the task, Microsoft offers the Power BI platform, bringing together all the tools needed for data collection, analysis and visualization. This platform is available in a SaaS (software as a Cloud service) version with Power BI Service.


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What is Microsolft's Power BI tool?

Power BI is a Business Intelligence tool developed by Microsoft. This comprehensive solution enables raw data to be analyzed and actionable information to be presented in the form of visualizations.

The platform combines business analysis and DataViz functionalities to help companies make data-driven decisions.

With Power BI, it is possible to access vast volumes of data from multiple sources in CSV, XML, JSON, PDF formats and much more. This makes it possible to consult, view and visualize volumes of data too vast for Excel.

Power BI’s greatest strength is its attractive, easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface. What’s more, it is possible to harness the power of the Microsoft Azure cloud to accelerate Big Data analysis.

This tool also enables the analysis of data streams in real time. Based on the information obtained from the data, companies can make better decisions.

What is Power BI Service?

There are several versions of Power BI. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

First of all, Power BI Desktop is an application to be downloaded and installed on a local computer. This version brings together all data analysis and reporting functions, and includes the Query Editor for connecting multiple data sources and combining them into a single model.

For its part, Power BI Service is the cloud-based version, offered by Microsoft as SaaS (software as a service) on Azure. This version is ideal for collaboration and reporting between members of the same team or organization.

It is possible to connect data sources to Power BI Service, but modeling options are more limited. Power BI Service is mainly used to create dashboards and applications for sharing, but also to analyze and explore data to uncover valuable information.

Many Power BI users create reports on the Desktop version, then use Service to share and collaborate on these reports via the cloud.

The Power BI platform is widely used by companies in all sectors, eager to exploit the data they have to their advantage. To learn how to master Power BI, choose DataScientest training courses!

You’ll know everything there is to know about Power BI Service. For more information on the same subject, see our complete dossier on Power BI and our dossier on the Microsoft Azure cloud.


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