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Low Rank Adaptation: Understanding Definition, Applications, and Challenges

Explore the concept of low rank adaptation, its applications, and the challenges it poses in various fields. Learn how this technique, which involves approximating data with low-dimensional structures, is used in machine learning, signal processing, and other domains, while navigating through its inherent complexities and limitations

Low Rank Adaptation is a technique that makes it easy to adapt a machine learning model to several domains after its initial training on a specific task. Find out everything you need to know about this method and its benefits! Machine Learning is now used in a wide variety of fields, including speech recognition, computer […]

Alooma: How this GCP-integrated tool works and its advantages

Alooma: How this GCP-integrated tool works and its advantages

Alooma is an Israeli data integration platform offering data pipeline solutions. It was co-founded by Yoni Broyde and Yair Weinberger and acquired by Google to become part of the Google Cloud Platform for the modest sum of $15 million. It gives your data teams visibility and control. It brings together all your data sources in […]

Network protocols: definition, operation and types

Network protocols: definition, operation and types

Network protocols are rules and standards that enable computers to communicate with each other and share data. These protocols are used in different types of networks, such as the local area network (LAN) and the wide area network (WAN), to ensure communication and collaboration between users. But what are network protocols? Why are they important? […]

AZ-900 Certification: An Introduction to Microsoft Azure

AZ-900 Certification: An Introduction to Microsoft Azure

AZ-900 Azure Microsoft Fundamentals is the certification that certifies your knowledge of the main functions of Microsoft’s cloud: Azure. By the end of this certification, you’ll have a perfect understanding of Azure cloud concepts, Azure services, and security and confidentiality in Azure. Why is Microsoft Azure a must-have for business and data science? Firstly, Microsoft […]

Modern data stack: what is it?

Modern data stack: what is it?

To make data intelligible and understandable, organisations use a multitude of tools. But as data has evolved over the years, so have these technologies. That’s why today we talk about a modern data stack. So what is it all about? How does it differ from the old model? What are the advantages of the Modern […]

Trojan Net: a revolution in attacks against artificial intelligence models

Trojan Net: a revolution in attacks against artificial intelligence models

In a paper called ‘An Embarrassingly Simple Approach for Trojan Attack in Deep Neural Networks’ published by Texas A&M University, researchers highlight a new kind of computer attack: TrojanNet attacks. These attacks, targeted against machine learning models and more specifically against the deep neural networks of deep learning algorithms, are revolutionary because they are so […]

Primary key: Definition, advantages and special features

Primary key: Definition, advantages and special features

Relational databases contain thousands and thousands of rows. To simplify processing, it is vital to identify the different records in a table clearly and efficiently. This is where primary keys come in. Primary keys, unique fields in your data table The primary key refers to one (or more) attribute(s) which allows records to be fully […]

Stripe: leader in online payment solutions

Stripe's comprehensive suite of features, developer-friendly APIs, robust security measures, and global reach make it a

Introduction and history of Stripe Stripe has revolutionised the world of online financial transactions since its inception. Founded in 2010 by Patrick and John Collison, the company has rapidly grown to become a major player in the payment solutions sector. Thanks to its innovative approach, Stripe facilitates online payments for millions of businesses around the […]

AI fingerprints: Are fingerprints still unique?

AI challenges the uniqueness of fingerprints

Traditionally considered unique to each individual, fingerprints are a pillar of personal identification. However, a team from Columbia University IA has managed to challenge this age-old belief. What does Columbia University’s AI reveal? The study conducted by Columbia University marks a turning point in fingerprint identification. By using artificial intelligence to analyse vast datasets, the […]

Front-End vs Back-End: understanding the differences

Front-End vs Back-End: understanding the differences

Front-end and back-end are two essential concepts in software development. They are used by programmers and IT professionals to describe the different layers that make up a computer, a computer program or a website. The difference between the two lies in the way users access them. The user is either a human or a digital […]

Fintech: What is it? Everything you need to know

Artificial intelligence and Big Data are applied across all industry sectors. But there is one that has particularly taken advantage of these innovations. It’s the financial sector. The financial sector has so thoroughly embraced new technologies that today we speak of Fintech. But what is it about? What is its interest? What are the challenges […]

Bioinformatics: What is it? What is it used for?

Among cells, genomes, biomolecules, … the world of science is of indescribable complexity. To better understand it, it’s important to get to know the ensemble of these elements. And although we are still far from knowing everything, scientists have made significant progress in recent years. Especially thanks to bioinformatics that applies data processing principles to […]