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AWS Serverless: Everything you need to know

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Dive into the world of AWS Serverless with our comprehensive guide. Explore its key concepts, architecture, benefits, and best practices.

AWS (Amazon Web Services) has developed a range of Serverless services that allow developers to create scalable, highly available applications without worrying about managing the underlying infrastructure. In this article, we'll explore AWS Serverless in detail and understand why this approach is gaining in popularity.

What is Serverless architecture?

Before going into more detail about Amazon’s proposals for this type of service, it is essential to define and understand what exactly this term means.

A Serverless architecture is an application development model in which developers can concentrate on writing their code and business logic without having to worry about managing the underlying servers and infrastructure. In this type of environment, cloud service providers, such as Amazon AWS, dynamically manage the resources needed to run and scale applications.


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Benefits of a Serverless infrastructure

Serverless architectures offer considerable advantages:

Image Management cost You only have to pay for the resources used, resulting in significant savings.
Image Scaling Applications automatically scale to meet changing demands. No scaling infrastructure management required.
Image Speed Applications can be developed and published very quickly, thereby meeting obvious business challenges.
Image High availability This architecture is designed to be highly available: applications can be accessed at any time.
Image "Pay-per-use "model You are charged only for the number of requests or events, making it easy to track usage costs.

The main Serverless services on Amazon AWS

As we mentioned in the introduction, AWS offers a whole range of Serverless services. Here are the main ones:

Image AWS Lambda

It allows you to run code without provisioning or managing servers. One of the major benefits of AWS Lambda is that you only pay for the compute time you consume.

With Lambda, you can run code for virtually any type of application or backend service. Lambda automatically takes care of all the required operational activities to ensure your code runs smoothly and with high availability.

Image AWS API Gateway With this Serverless service, you get several essential features for managing your APIs. It provides a powerful management platform and enables you to handle several thousand simultaneous API requests, manage traffic, permissions, monitoring, and versioning of your APIs.
Image DynamoDB This service offers a highly responsive and flexible NoSQL database, designed to meet the needs of any applications requiring latency in the order of milliseconds, regardless of scale. Fully managed, it has built-in security, backup and restore, as well as caching for large-scale applications.
Image Amazon S3

It is a storage service that offers leading scalability, availability, security, and performance.

With its scalability, S3 can adapt to changing storage needs of customers. It also enables high availability, ensuring that stored data is always accessible when needed.

Amazon S3 is also designed to provide very low latency and response times, allowing users and applications to access stored data very quickly.

Image Amazon Kinesis Kinesis is a data streaming platform that offers powerful data loading and analysis engines, allowing you to also build your own streaming applications.
Image AWS Fargate Fargate is a serverless compute engine specifically designed for containers.
Image Amazon SNS

It is a highly available, secure, and fully managed messaging service that allows you to decouple microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications.

SNS provides topics for high-throughput, push-based messaging. Your publisher systems can broadcast your messages to a large number of endpoints for parallel processing.

Image Amazon SQS

SQS is a fully managed message queue system that makes it easy to decouple and scale microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications.

With SQS, you'll be able to send, store, and receive messages between different software components.


Serverless architecture has revolutionised the way modern applications are developed and deployed. Thanks to the various Amazon AWS services, developers can create scalable, highly available applications.

AWS offers a powerful ecosystem, enabling developers to do away with all the management of the underlying infrastructure.


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