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How to become a Data Analyst? Training, job, salary

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In a world dominated by data, the role of a Data Analyst attracts more and more aspiring individuals in search of a promising career. If data analysis is your passion, this article will introduce you to the necessary training, required skills, potential salaries, and other useful information to become a Data Analyst.

Why Become a Data Analyst?

Sectors of Intervention

The role of a Data Analyst offers varied opportunities in numerous sectors such as supply chain, finance, healthcare, and human resources. Indeed, all these industries increasingly rely on data to optimize their operations and make strategic decisions. As a Data Analyst, you will have the chance to work in various fields and develop versatile expertise.

Competitive Salaries

The salaries of Data Analysts are particularly attractive, especially in a context where the demand for these skills is rapidly growing. In France, the average salary of a Data Analyst is about €45,000 per year.

The Benefits of a Career in Data Analysis

The job of a Data Analyst is often compatible with remote work, offering flexibility in location and schedules. This flexibility is particularly appreciated by those seeking to balance their professional and personal lives, or who wish to work from anywhere in the world. Moreover, data analysis skills are globally sought-after, opening up international opportunities.

How to Choose the Right Training?

Degrees and Certifications

Bachelor’s Degrees in Data Analysis

To begin a career as a Data Analyst, several institutions offer bachelor’s degrees in data science or computer science. Among the most renowned are CNAM, University Paris Dauphine, University Gustave Eiffel, and University Paris Cité.

These programs provide the necessary foundation to enter the job market or pursue more specialized studies.

Master’s Degrees in Data Analysis

Specialized master’s programs in data analysis are highly sought-after and offer in-depth training. Institutions such as EDHEC, University Paris Dauphine, HEC, ESSEC, ESCP, EM Lyon, SKEMA, IESEG, TBS Business School, and Rennes School of Business offer programs that cover advanced topics in data analysis, machine learning, and big data, ensuring excellent employability for their graduates.

Professional Certifications

For those seeking alternatives to traditional degrees, several professional certifications are available. Institutions such as ENSAE, OpenClassroom, École Polytechnique, Sciences U-LYON, and Data ScienceTech Institute offer certification programs that allow acquiring specific data analysis skills more quickly and often at a lower cost.

Enroll in the Data Analyst Training at DataScientest

DataScientest offers a flexible and comprehensive Data Analyst training, adapted to your schedule. With various financing options, including CPF and other public aids, our training is accessible to all. The “learning by doing” program ensures intensive practice with real projects and the use of advanced technologies, allowing you to apply your knowledge concretely.

Additionally, you will obtain recognized professional certifications, enhancing your employability. Each student benefits from personalized support and career advice to ensure academic and professional success. By choosing DataScientest, you opt for a solution tailored to the needs of modern professionals, enabling you to specialize quickly and efficiently as a Data Analyst.

Schools vs. Training Programs

Advantages and Disadvantages

Choosing between schools (bachelor’s, master’s) and training (certification, bootcamp) depends on your professional goals and personal situation.

Academic studies offer in-depth knowledge and academic recognition, but they require more time and financial investment.

Conversely, training programs allow a faster entry into the job market with directly applicable skills but may lack the theoretical depth of a university degree.

Cost and Duration

The cost and duration of training programs vary significantly. University education, such as bachelor’s and master’s degrees, can take three to five years with tuition fees ranging from a few hundred to several thousand euros per year.

On the other hand, professional certifications and bootcamps are shorter, generally lasting a few months, with costs ranging between €1,000 and €10,000. It is crucial to consider these factors based on your financial resources and availability.

What Skills Are Required to Become a Data Analyst?

Technical Skills


To excel as a Data Analyst, proficiency in programming languages is essential. Python is widely used for its efficiency and simplicity, while SQL is crucial for querying and manipulating databases. Other languages like R, Java, and SAS may also be beneficial depending on industry-specific needs.

Data Analysis

Data analysis requires a solid understanding of statistics to interpret data meaningfully. Skills in machine learning allow for the creation of predictive models and the discovery of hidden insights in the data. An in-depth knowledge of algorithms and data mining techniques is also indispensable.

Data Visualization

Transforming complex data into clear visualizations is a key skill for a Data Analyst. Tools like Tableau, QlikView, and Power BI are commonly used to create interactive dashboards and visual reports that help decision-makers quickly understand the data.


Managing and manipulating databases are central to the role of a Data Analyst. Knowledge of database management systems like Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle is crucial for extracting, cleaning, and organizing data. Writing complex queries and optimizing databases are necessary skills to ensure maximum efficiency in data analysis.

Non-Technical Skills

Rigor and Attention to Detail

Rigor and attention to detail are essential for a Data Analyst, as a small error can lead to incorrect conclusions. It is crucial to verify and validate data methodically to ensure the accuracy of analyses.

Analytical and Synthesis Mindset

A good Data Analyst must have a strong analytical and synthesis mindset to interpret complex data and extract relevant insights. This includes the ability to identify trends and patterns that can inform the company’s strategic decisions.

Market and Sector Knowledge

A good understanding of the market and sectors in which the analyst works is indispensable. Understanding sector dynamics allows contextualizing data and providing more relevant and targeted recommendations.

Stress Resistance

Stress resistance is a valuable skill in this profession. Data Analysts often work under pressure to meet tight deadlines while maintaining a high level of precision and quality in their analyses.

Data Analysis Tools

Programming Languages

Programming languages like Python and SQL are essential for manipulating data, creating analysis models, and automating repetitive tasks. They form the technical foundation of a Data Analyst’s skills.

Visualization Tools

Visualization tools like Tableau and Power BI are used to transform raw data into intuitive visualizations. These tools allow presenting data in an understandable and attractive manner, facilitating strategic decision-making.

Libraries and Frameworks

Libraries and frameworks like D3.js and MapReduce are used for more advanced analyses and customized visualizations. They offer additional flexibility and power to handle large datasets and extract valuable insights.

What Are the Missions and Roles of a Data Analyst?

Data Collection and Analysis

The main mission of a Data Analyst is to collect and analyze data from various sources. This involves ensuring the quality of the collected data, cleaning, and preparing it for analysis. Using statistical tools and techniques allows identifying significant trends and patterns, helping companies make data-driven decisions.

Reporting and Visualization Preparation

Once the data is analyzed, the Data Analyst prepares reports and visualizations to present the results clearly and understandably. Using charts, interactive dashboards, and visual presentations helps effectively communicate insights to the company’s stakeholders. Tools like Tableau and Power BI are often used for this task.

Collaboration with Teams and Clients

The Data Analyst works closely with various teams within the company, including marketing, finance, and IT departments. They may also interact directly with clients to understand their needs and provide customized analyses. This collaboration ensures that the analyses are aligned with the company’s strategic objectives and meet the end users’ expectations.


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