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DevOps training: how to master GitHub, Docker or Apache Airflow?

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A DevOps training program enables you to master various DevOps tools, a highly sought-after expertise in the corporate world. Discover why and how to pursue a DevOps training. In the face of digital transformation, software development projects must meet ever-stricter requirements. To meet the demands of end-users, companies are embracing the DevOps methodology for application development and even Data Science. It becomes crucial to enroll in a DevOps training program.

DevOps Training: What is DevOps ?

The term DevOps is an abbreviation of “development” and “operations.” It represents a collaborative approach to software development and IT operations.

DevOps is a methodology founded on communication and collaboration within an organization. It relies on iterative software development, automation, and the deployment of programmable infrastructure.

To adopt this approach, an organization may need to transform its entire software delivery chain, services, roles, and IT tools.

A DevOps environment typically relies on continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) tools. Task automation is also a critical component.

Real-time monitoring and incident management systems, as well as collaboration platforms, are widely used. The same goes for Cloud Computing, microservices, and software containers technologies.

The goal of DevOps is to enhance the software development cycle. The process consists of successive stages: plan, code, build, test, release, deploy, operate, monitor. These stages are continuously iterated.

Software is continually updated to meet expectations. Updates are tested within containers and then deployed in production. In case of issues, traceability allows for swift intervention.

What is DevOps? What are its benefits?

Within a company, software projects often encounter common issues. Development takes too long, and the software doesn’t meet expectations.

DevOps addresses these challenges by significantly reducing development time and the ability to immediately address negative feedback. Communication between different IT teams is improved.

Since its inception in 2009 by Patrick Debois, DevOps has seen widespread adoption worldwide. Thanks to its numerous advantages, this methodology is widely embraced by companies. DevOps is particularly valuable for Data Science projects.

Why take DevOps training?

The DevOps methodology has evolved significantly since its inception and continues to expand. New tools and technologies have emerged to meet the demand.

Companies are adopting this philosophy to remain competitive. Additionally, the Covid pandemic has spurred digital transformation and led many organizations to embrace DevOps.

Numerous companies of all sizes and across various industries are adopting DevOps worldwide. As a result, DevOps skills are in high demand.

The role of a DevOps engineer is currently one of the most sought-after in the field of IT. Organizations need experts to implement best practices.

What are DevOps tools and skills?

An engineer in DevOps, a Machine Learning engineer, a Data Engineer, or any role utilizing the DevOps methodology must possess both software development skills and operations skills, such as configuring infrastructure.

To embrace this development methodology, it’s essential to master Cloud Computing technologies, software containers, and continuous development/deployment.

Proficiency in code repositories like GitHub and GitLab is imperative. These platforms enable multiple developers to collaborate on code, with the ability to revert to previous versions when needed.

This is a major component of a CI/CD pipeline, as validated code changes trigger subsequent steps in the process, such as static code analysis or testing.

There are also CI/CD engines like Jenkins, GitLab, and CircleCI. These tools allow DevOps teams to validate and deliver applications to end users automatically as development progresses.

Containers provide an isolated environment for testing software. They are highly useful for working on code changes. The main containerization tools are Docker and Kubernetes.

Finally, Cloud environments are widely used in DevOps, particularly for scaling and deployment. AWS and Microsoft Azure are the most popular Cloud providers and also offer CI/CD services.

How do I take a DevOps training course?

To become a DevOps expert, you can choose DataScientest’s training programs. Through our Data Engineer and Machine Learning Engineer courses, you will learn to wield various DevOps tools.

The curricula of these two paths cover code repository platforms like GitHub and GitLab, containerization tools like Docker and Kubernetes, and even Apache Airflow for automation.

Upon completing these programs, you’ll be able to work as a Data Engineer or Machine Learning Engineer or specialize as a DevOps Engineer. You will have all the required skills.

Our training programs can be taken as intensive Bootcamps or as Continuous Education. They consist of 85% individual coaching on our Cloud platform and 15% Masterclasses.

After completing the course, you will receive a certificate issued by MINES ParisTech / PSL Executive Education. Among our alumni, 93% found employment immediately.

For financing, our programs are eligible for the Personal Training Account (Compte Personnel de Formation or CPF) in France or the Bildungsgutschein in Germny. Don’t wait any longer, become a DevOps expert with DataScientest’s training programs!


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