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What is the best master in data science?

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Top masters data

Masters in data science are becoming more and more successful. And with good reason: the increased digitization of data that is difficult to tame and understand. While companies are increasingly looking for profiles capable of decrypting and manipulating their data in order to improve their strategy, students are aware of the added value that the acquisition of technical, analytical and strategic skills represents for both them and their employers. Obtaining a master’s degree in data sciences is an excellent way to gain the knowledge and experience needed to stand out in this competitive field and gain a competitive edge. 

Would you also like to stand out with your data science skills? 

Datascientest has compiled a list of the best masters in data science that will help you achieve your goals. To do this, we conducted our survey of about 50 Chief Data Officers and managers from 30 CAC 40 companies and asked them to give a score from 1 to 5 for several of the masters in data science (data scientist – data analyst – data engineer). 

If you would like to find out what your future employers think about these masters, please visit 👇:

To become Data scientist:

1- ENSAE Paris Tech, MS Data Science (4,75/5)

Duration: 420 hours of teaching + internship from 4 to 6 months at the end of studies

Cost: 9 500€ for students or job seekers and 14 000€ for professionals. 

Description: This specialized Master’s degree aims to provide expertise in statistical analysis and data analysis to its students. The program includes fundamental courses in Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Database Management … The variety of optional courses are the opportunity for students to choose to perfect their knowledge in a particular technical field. This in-depth knowledge in Data Science is a major tool for decision making in many fields such as finance, business strategy evaluation, survey statistics and research.

For more information click HERE. 

2- Polytechnique, Master Data Science (4,73/5)

Duration: 1 year

Description: this Master in association with Télécom Paris, the University Paris-Saclay and the ENS is based on a pedagogy mixing theory and practice. This method ensures the concrete learning of the students and the regular application of their new knowledge in Data Sciences. 

Note: This M2 also offers a PhD program – for students who wish to pursue research – and a learning opportunity.

For more information click HERE

3- ENS Mathématiques Vision Learning (4,7/5)

Duration: 6 months of course + 4 months of internship at least.

Description: The MVA master’s program trains more than 150 students each year in mathematics applied to data processing. At the end of this year’s course and a mandatory 4-month internship, students are equipped with a solid background in data analysis and have multiple career opportunities in R&D in large groups as well as in start-ups and in a multitude of sectors of activity. 

Courses are given on the campuses of partner universities or schools: CentraleSupélec; ENS Cachan; ENS Ulm; École Polytechnique; Jussieu; Télécom Paris.

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Duration: 6 months of course + 4 months in a company or research laboratory.

Cost: registration fees established according to the different schemes.

Description: This training allows students with a mathematics background to add to their learning a knowledge of statistics with applications focused on the digital economy and the humanities.  The training consists of 5 fundamental courses in statistical learning and 4 optional courses grouped into “human sciences” and “Bayesian statistics”. 

The training is supported by the laboratory of applied mathematics CEREMADE. 

The courses take place on 3 different sites: The University Paris Dauphine, ENS Cachan and ENSAE

For more information click HERE

5- Paris Sorbonne Master Mosef (4,61/5)

The aim of this Master’s degree is to provide students with the cross-disciplinary skills they need to apply the challenges of Data to the needs of companies, banks and insurance companies. In addition to technical skills, students must also become business experts in order to identify the specific needs of the above-mentioned sectors.

The course is structured around four main areas: 

  • Modelling in economics and finance
  • Big Data, Data mining and data visualization
  • Econometrics
  • Methods and Learning Statistics & Programming Language

Recently, DataScientest has become a partner of the MoSEF Master’s program and provides some of the courses directly on the DataScientest training platform. To learn more about this collaboration click HERE

6- ENSAI- MSc in statistics for Smart Data (4,25/5)

Duration: 6 months at the ENSAI + 4 to 6 months of internship

Cost: between 4 000 and 6 000€. 

Description: This National Master’s Degree (DNM) is accredited by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation.

After graduating from this master, students will have the skills to create and build algorithms and methods to process and analyze large data flows extracted from many sources, to determine correlations using statistical tools and Machine Learning algorithms, to determine consequences and to make predictions. They will be eligible for Data Scientist or Artificial Intelligence positions in industry, marketing, media, finance… 

This Master’s degree, entirely dispensed in English, brings together students with different backgrounds or academic levels, which is why upstream courses will be given to homogenize the scientific level of all students (in terms of training, knowledge and skills). 

For more information click HERE

1- Formation X-HEC data science for business (4,66/5)

Duration: 2 years

Cost: 41 300 €. 

Description: The mission of this Master’s degree is to enable students to make the link between data and their knowledge and skills, to use their knowledge to make appropriate strategic decisions, and to move easily from these strategic decisions to the actual implementation of activities. 

You will have the immense opportunity to join Polytechnique, a world-renowned engineering school, whose professors will pass on their technical skills to you during your first year. You will enter the second year at HEC, France’s most prestigious business school, where you will have the opportunity to apply the theoretical skills you acquired the previous year in a logic of using data in a business environment. 

During this year, you will also have the opportunity to work in teams around commercial challenges lasting three weeks to solve concrete and topical commercial issues.  

For more information click HERE

2- Essec/ Centrale supelec master of science data science & business analytics (4,57/5)

Duration: Between 1 and 2 years depending on the diploma 

Cost: 23 000 €. 

Description: This Master in Data Sciences & Business Analytics is offered at both Essec Business School and CentralSupélec, two of the most prestigious engineering and business schools in Europe. The QS world ranking of universities has ranked it number 3 worldwide, number 1 in Europe and the Ministry of Education has recognized and accredited it. 

Namely that 50% of the class has an initial background in engineering or mathematics, computer science and the other 50% have previously studied economics or management. 50% have also already had professional experience. Regarding the organization of the course, students can choose up to 18 advanced courses with unlimited electives.

For more information click HERE

3- Paris Dauphine executive master statistique & big data (4,125/5)

The mission of this master’s degree is to provide the mathematical and statistical skills necessary to apply them in business. 

There are 3 modules: reminders on the fundamentals of statistics, modern statistical learning methods adapted to the processing of big data.

The objective of the program also resides in the application of appropriate techniques to deal with current issues in finance, actuarial sciences or marketing. In addition to the solid scientific background of the data scientist that this training transmits, it also provides a certain rigor necessary for data processing and recent statistical methods, which will give data scientists visibility on the job market.

This Master forms a partnership with the applied mathematics laboratory CEREMADE to enable students to maintain links with teacher-researchers of great renown in their fields. 

The fact that this program is an initial training program demonstrated the need for training in mathematics around big data given the strong demand from companies for continuing education in this field.

4- EM Lyon, MSc in digital marketing & data science (4/5)

Duration: 18 months including 4 to 6 months of internship.

Cost: 24 000 €. 

Description: In a world dominated by digital technology, this master’s degree was created to provide courses that transmit the strategic skills needed to effectively guide corporate strategies. This Master applied to digital marketing & data science will also focus on data analysis and therefore coding, Machine Learning with Python… The curriculum of this Master has been designed to ensure that students have the necessary skills to master future technological breakthroughs in marketing. 

EM Lyon has partnerships with many companies who come to pick up their students such as Amazon, IBM, Google, TF1, Facebook, Microsoft…

For more information click HERE

Next comes :

5 TBS - Msc Big Data, Marketing & Management (3,66/5)

This multidisciplinary training has been created so that students know how to adapt and evolve in a sometimes uncertain context. They will benefit from the skills to master all subjects of innovation in Digital Marketing, Business Analytics and Artificial Intelligence.

6- GEM master specialized Big Data (3,5/5)

Duration: 15 months, including 4 to 6 months of internship or work experience.

Cost: 15 700€.

Description: This master has many partnerships that participate in the training of students (conferences, testimonials…). Among them, major industrial groups, start-ups, academic institutions…

7- ESCP Europe, MSc in big data & business analytics (3,05/5)

This Master brings all the transdisciplinary skills needed to become a Business Analyst by making you understand the importance of data today.

8- Neoma business school master specialized marketing & data analytics (2,94/5)

This Master’s degree is at the crossroads of marketing and technology in order to improve marketing performance in the business world.

To become Data Engineer:

In order to train for the Data Engineer profession, proven training courses are still rare; (hence the interest in following the Data Engineer training from DataScientest, which has already been tested and approved for several years). 

We have nevertheless been able to establish a Top 3 of the best courses:

1- TELECOM PARIS, MS Big Data (4,46/5)

Duration: 9 months of courses + internship of minimum 3 months.

Cost: 18 500 €.

Description: Big Data has become a major value creation tool for companies to define their strategic objectives in an optimal way. 

Telecom Paris, in addition to having three departments related to Big Data, offers a wide range of masters in both initial and continuing education. Its Telecom Paris Novation Center Entrepreneurs incubator also enables it to promote innovation in a more scalable way, with around fifty researcher-teachers, around fifty PhD students and more than a hundred graduates each year. 

Due to its popularity with major international groups and start-ups, students in this Specialized Master in Big Data at Télécom Paris receive on average numerous internship or job offers throughout their training. The course materials and content meet the needs of companies, thanks to major companies such as Thalès, Safran, Airbus Group and Orange, which are members of the monitoring and improvement committees for this Master’s degree and the Certificate of Specialized Studies in Data Sciences. 

For more information click HERE

2- Université Paris Saclay - Purpose M2 Statistics et Machine Learning (4,2/5)

Duration: 1 year + 4 months min of internship (or dissertation)

Description: This program focuses on understanding data analysis and Machine Learning through a scientific prism. The objective is to support students in the preparation of their theses but also to provide them with the necessary skills to use the new data analysis and decision support tools. 

Please note that the Master’s program only gathers 20 students, it is an extreme selection! 

For more information click HERE

3- Université Paris Dauphine - Master Intelligence artificielle, systèmes, données (IASD) (4,14/5)

Duration: 1 year + 24 weeks internship

Description: This master aims to train students to have both theoretical knowledge and practical experience around AI, so that they can ultimately build strong and honest AI systems. 

The lectures will be given by professionals and researchers from the fields of AI and data science around topics such as Machine Learning, data management… In addition to the mandatory courses, students will have the freedom to choose 6 other courses from a wide range of options such as Deep Learning, Monte Carlo games, Machine Learning and many more.

For more info click HERE

So, are you interested in one of these masters?

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If you are still hesitating between the 3 courses, have a look at our training courses in Data Analyst, Data Scientist and Data Engineer!


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